Blue ANGER Rico
How to install: create a folder inside of your Steam/steamapps/common/Just Cause 2, called 'dropzone' but without the ''. then, put every faile and folder from my mod into the folder. If you do not want blue bullets, then do not put the 'blue tracers' folder into the dropzone
Thank you for checking out this skin! First of all, credit goes to Kelus and speedy4000f for the use of their files and to paint.NET for supporting .dds formats.
This mod makes Rico blue. It gives him a blue shirt with a blue hood and a blue grappling hook. INCLUDING ROPE!! I thought it would Be cool to make the rope blue to, so I did. have fun with my mod and don't forget to comment!
1.1: added a white highlight to the hood, more texturing to the shirt and his body. also added more blue highlights on his pants
1.2: I added a little bit more texturing to his pants; they are now black-ish.
1.3: I have made his gear black and blue
1.4: I have added a bandanna
1.5: I made the bandanna a little bit better
1.6: Touch-ups, now has a white face with black eyes
1.7: added baggier pants
1.8: made gloves blue and added blue tracers. you can take out the tracers, just cut and paste the folder with the files in it or delete it.
1.9: fixed the problem wit the rebels not showing up.