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cessni’s Natural Graphics 2023

With this project I aim to make Just Cause 2 look more natural without interfering with the original art style, and without resorting to ReShade. I do not intend to make JC2 look photorealistic. This is because in my experience graphics mods/texture replacements that aim for a radical change sometimes unbalance some or various visual aspects of the game, breaking the immersion and original artistic intent from the developers. I invested dozens of hours to make sure my textures feel natural, and although the work is still in progress, I'll appreciate any rating or feedback. Thank you for trying it out.


  • Natural, less agressive atmospheric blue haze. (by me)
  • Natural, less purple, brighter and less saturated sky color. (by me)
  • High resolution, smaller moon. (by børni) (texture resize by me)
  • Natural, white sand beaches. (by Anton S.) (medium distance blurry textures fixed by me)
  • High quality, less saturated terrain textures. (by Anton S.) (blurry-treetops-making file removed, saturation added and medium distance blurry textures fixed by me)
  • High quality, realistic cumulonimbus and cirrus clouds. (by Valdis Matas) (sharply cropped clouds and pitch black cloud shadows fixed by me)
  • Roads with realistic paint markings and cleaner texture. (by Dark56)

Additionally, this mod includes some must-have gameplay changes, so it's a complete package!:

  • Black market cutscene delete. (by khewit)
  • More damage by weapons. (by Gawl)
  • Faster sprint speed. (by mrtt)
  • Mouse negative acceleration fix. (by Altimor)
  • Bullseye rifle fix. (by Zhnigo)
  • 100% game completion fix. (by Jusupov)
  • World location settings mod. (by Draconio)

To do:

  • Try your suggestions.
  • Improve bullet tracer textures.

Have fun!

Merge "Just Cause 2" folder contents with your game's directory, replacing where needed. To install the optional water options, add the "gradients.bmp" file of your choice to the "Water" folder under "dropzone".


  • Decreased sky texture saturation and restored original dawn/dusk colors without the purple tone.
  • Fixed cloud shadows somewhat.
  • Added optional tropical water.
  • Added optional dark blue water.
  • Added instructions in the .zip file aswell.


  • Updated black market cutscenes delete mod.
  • Added high resolution moon.
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
5.79 MB
August 21, 2023


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  1. أنا أيضًا أستمتع حقًا بألعاب الكازينو المباشرة. ولكن بخلاف ذلك أنا سعيد لأنني وجدت الموقع حيث وجدت العديد من المواقع الفرعية الكازينوهات التي يمكنني من خلالها كسب المال بسهولة أثناء إقامتي في المنزل. إذا كنت تريد أيضًا كسب الكثير من المال، فيمكنك اتباع هذا الرابط للعثور على تلك المواقع التي يمكنك من خلالها كسب الكثير من المال. أنا متأكد من أنك لن تندم على قرارك. عندما بحثت عن رابط موقع الويب هذا على الإنترنت، وجدت أيضًا العديد من المنشورات وأعتقد أنك ستحب هذا الموقع أيضًا لأن كلانا يحب ألعاب الكازينو عبر الإنترنت.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
5.79 MB
August 21, 2023

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