Original Para-Thruster Chaos Chute **defaulted**

After experimenting with all the cool para-thruster mods, I just wanted to use the original para-thruster(with over-heat gauge) but with the chaos chute as my default. So through trial and error I cobbled together the pieces. This mod is based entirely on the work of Gawl, Fox, Buzz Kill and Glacios. I just exchanged a couple values from those existing mods. It will be your default chute, you will start the game with it. I saw a couple people wanted this besides me so let me know if it works for you.
Just drop the single file in the dropzone folder in jc2 directory. If it doesn't exist make one. You need the Chaos Parachute DLC for this mod to work!
If you don't have the Chaos Parachute DLC use Glacios' mod:
If you want unlimited thruster use Buzz Kill's mod: