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Bugatti® La Voiture Noire V2 (4 variants)

this is the V2 of the bugatti from my old account, in this mod there are 4 Bugatti La Voiture Noire 2019 variants, it has a W16 , 4 turbos and 1600 HP, the car can reach a top speed of 417 km/h(259.1 mph) in real life, you can reach this exact speed in the game. Bugatti made 1 model of that car it costs ~11 millions € (11 395 340 $) and the car got updated in 2021 so this car mod is the prototype of 2019.

⚠IMPORTANT⚠ : download the setting file in videogamesmods at this link because if you don't do that the Bugatti will not spawn :

and an entity spawner


  • HQ model
  • HQ textures
  • Support dirt
  • Support damage maps and damage parts
  • Emissives lights
  • 2 versions of the car, one with taillights on and the second with taillights off.
  • Real data


  • grip reduced and performance gear and other stats are now closer to reality
  • added two more variants and one with a quick immersive cam mod (alpha) and another with miniguns :)
  • spots removed
  • new damage parts
  • visible interior
  • transparent windows
  • (more in the read-me.txt or in the changelog)

there are two read-me.txt, one in english and another in french

in the read-me in the mod's .rar archive

1.0 --- Initial release

2.0 --- :

major changes :

  • spots has been removed
  • interior is now visible with all textures
  • windows are transparent
  • new damage parts :
  •    windscreen
  •    windows
  •    all doors
  • doors can now be opened
  • dirt texture and visibility was improved
  • secret car version added
  • exhaust, nitrous exhaust effects and jump exhaust effects are placed correctly and as many as the real car
  •     - immersive camera version added (alpha) :
  •                               this version is the lights on version with a custom camera I've made for a more immersive driving experience, this camera is just a test that's why it is called Alpha.

minor changes:

  • normals maps has been improved
  • car performance changed : grip was reduced by 285 % (before it was ridiculus)
  •   : max speed reduced by around 11 %
  •   : custom steering and custom land global
  •   : mass increased from 1980 kg to 1995 kg
  •   : engine custom RPM and gears ratio
  •   : aero reduced by 200 %
  •   : the driving feeling is much better
  • nitrous and jump added
  • headlights will be on at night and off at day

Changes no one cares about:

  • I've created a custom folder where my all my mods will be
  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

September 20, 2023


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  • 7Mods
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September 20, 2023

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