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Mech DLC environment gallery dev area

This mod adds back a developement area that was left in the February and March 2016 patch of Just Cause 3

There's not much to it, but I do love preserving things like this, so here we are!


This area was used to display and test environment decorations for the Mech Land Assault DLC, but appears to have been cleared and forgotten in the game

It was discovered and documented by Youtuber Lenny McLennington and ported over by me


Watch the Youtube video above for details on it and how to find it!

=> For even more Just Cause, join the Just Cause Discord to join the community, support, mods and to take part in multiplayer sessions!

To install mods at all, you need to open up steam, then find Just Cause 3 in your list of games. Right-click it and click settings. Now click "Set launch options" and a new window will open up. Copy this:

--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .

and paste it in there, then click "Done" to save it.

Now go to this filepath: Steam-folder> steamapps> common> Just Cause 3

Now create a new folder called Dropzone and you are done with setting things up


Now copy the locations folder from the download into your dropzone folder, done!

>>> to remove all mods, simply remove the launch options


  • initial release
Luke JC
  • 69Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
1.14 MB
Credit given to modders
Lenny McLennington
September 17, 2023


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Luke JC
  • 69Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
1.14 MB
Credit given to modders
Lenny McLennington
September 17, 2023

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