Ultimate POWER ModPack (Nuclear Rico)
!!!MODS ARE NOT MADE BY ME and their names are not correct!!!
This modpack takes Rico to the ultimate level of chaos.
· super sprint
· ultimate wingsuit
· ultimate grapple
· better overall movement
· nuke C4 and grenades
· 3 heat improvement mods
· badass pitchblack skin
· infinity grenades, ammo, no reload
· better weapons
suggested loadout:
· ultimate wraith
· ultimate bavarium splitter
· fireleech+++
+disable mods: engines in C4, precise aiming, slow timer in grenade
+Recommendation: To avoid clicking the aiming button that blocks lock on, bind it to an unused button, for example "scroll lock"
!!!the text is not mine!!! To install mods at all, you need to open up steam, then find Just Cause 3 in your list of games. Right-click it and click settings. Now click "Set launch options" and a new window will open up. Copy this:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .
and paste it in there, then click "Done" to save it.
Now go to this filepath: Steam-folder> steamapps> common> Just Cause 3.
!Next steps in README.txt!
+Weapon Ultimate POWER
+No intro
+Power, more stable grapple
+Ultimate heat
is there a way to remove the ultimate heat part of the mod?
how do i get the ultimate weapons
nevermind i forgot to do dlc packer
How do I get rid of that weird ass speedwalking animation thing
Unfortunately, you can’t either remove the mod that causes this or press ctrl