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Just Cause 4 (JC4) indestructible / invulnerable / invincible / infinite/ vehicle / car / plane / chopper / helicopter health trainer cheat engine cheat table 21 cheats

Instructions & important info:

(Note I gathered these cheats from the net and put them in one cheat table credit goes to the people that made the original cheats)

Things you must know before using the cheat table/trainer:

  1. Vehicle/car/plane/chopper cheat only works with cheat engine version 7.1 and above (otherwise the active box won’t activate and expand).
  2. Vehicle/car/plane/chopper cheat must be enabled first or it will not activate (otherwise the active box won’t activate and expand).
  3. You must enable 2 cheats in order for the Vehicle/car/plane/chopper invincibility cheat to work (You Have To Combine 1 & 2 In Order For The Vehicle Invincibility Cheat To Work). The first one “1 Vehicle Won't Blow” must be enabled on the right under value (by double clicking on disabled box & changing it to enabled). The second one “2 Vehicle Parts Don't Fall Apart” is enabled on the left by activating the box on the left under active. Car parts may fall apart occasionally but the car will never blow while you are in it (if both cheats are enabled).
  4. Vehicle/car/plane/chopper cheat must not be used with easy kills cheat (which is shared code). It will set vehicle on fire if hit by enemies.


How to use:

  1. Download & install cheat engine 7.1 or above (or you can use the one included in the rar folder)
  2. Start Just Cause 4 (JC4) game.
  3. Open JustCause4.CT cheat table and go to file> open process>******(process code)Just Cause 4.
  4. For the first Invulnerable/Indestructible/invincible Vehicle Cheat use the guide lines above under “Things you must know before using the cheat table/trainer”.
  5. XP/Chaos Gained Multiplier is enabled by activating the box on the left under active & Changing the number on the right under value to your liking i.e. 99 for example (XP/Chaos Level 14 Max/Top). The rest of the cheats are activated by activating the box on the left under active.


Cheats included in cheat table/trainer:

  1. Invulnerable/Indestructible Vehicle/Infinite Vehicle Health.
  2. Infinite/Unlimited Vehicle Nitrous.
  3. Infinite/Unlimited XP/Chaos Multiplier.
  4. Infinite Player Health.
  5. Infinite/Unlimited Clip 1 *Best Of 4-Can Be Used Alone* [First Weapon - (Grenade Launcher PGL-6/AT3-X RPG Without Reload)]. With sniper rifle & single AT7 RPG you still have to reload (the weapon itself has to be edited).
  6. Infinite/Unlimited Clip 2 (Second Weapon-Also Current Weapon).
  7. Infinite/Unlimited Clip 3 (No Reload-Doesn't Work With sniper rifle & single AT7 RPG).
  8. Infinite/Unlimited Ammo Stash (Infinite Ammo \ Grenades).
  9. Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Missiles 1 (Use Only One They're Written Differently But Achieve The Same Effect). To enable the black hand skystriker wingsuit after acquiring it press esc button > customize > special equipment > black hand skystriker (double click it to change it from no to yes).
  10. Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Missiles 2 (Use Only One They're Written Differently But Achieve The Same Effect).
  11. Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Boost 1 [(Constant) Only Stops With Parachute].
  12. Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Boost 2 [(Better) Stoppable By Unpressing Shift].
  13. Instant/No Supply Pilot Cooldown 1 (Use Only One They're Written Differently But Achieve The Same Effect).
  14. Instant/No Supply Pilot Cooldown 2 (Use Only One They're Written Differently But Achieve The Same Effect).
  15. Unlimited/Constant AR Scan (Stays Active With One Click).
  16. Unlock Grappling Hook Mods.
  17. Stronger Hook Retraction.
  18. Freeze/Stop Mission Time (Remember To Deactivate After Use).
  19. Freeze/Stop Challenge Time (Remember To Deactivate After Use).
  20. Instant Hacking - Some Missions/Other Missions Hacking Can't Be Skipped {{Activate During/While Hacking Only (After The Hacking Box Appears On-Screen "Remote Hack In Progress" & Always Remember To Deactivate After)}}.
  21. Easy Kills {{(Shared-Works For All Including Enemies-Can Interfere With Vehicle Invincibility Cheat-Causing Vehicle Burn) Use With Caution}}.


Things that could be added:

  1. Infinite allies/trainees/hostages/hackers health
  2. Infinite player oxygen (it’s not really necessary as infinite player health stops you from drowning).
  3. Sniper rifle & single AT7 RPG no reload.
  4. Easy Kills can be edited to affect player & allies only.


Youtube Video:


Just Cause 4 (JC4) trainer cheat engine cheat table download link:

Mega link:

4shared link:




Search Keywords:

Just cause 4 (JC4) cheat engine cheat table / trainer / invincibility / invincible / infinite / unlimited / indestructible / Invulnerable / vehicle / car / plane / chopper / helicopter / Invulnerable/Indestructible Vehicle/Infinite Vehicle Health / Infinite/Unlimited Vehicle Nitrous / Infinite/Unlimited XP/Chaos Multiplier / Infinite Player Health / Infinite/Unlimited Clip / Without Reload / no Reload / Infinite/Unlimited Ammo Stash / Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Missiles / Unlimited/Infinite Wingsuit Boost / Instant/No Supply Pilot Cooldown / no supply cool down cooldown / Unlimited/Constant AR Scan / Unlock Grappling Hook Mods / Stronger Hook Retraction /  Freeze/Stop Mission Time / Freeze/Stop Challenge Time / Instant Hacking / Easy Kills / more weapon damage.


  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

AOB scripts should work with all versions.
File size
22.57 MB
Credit given to modders
Multiple editors not mine. I just put them togather & added a few things.
September 9, 2020


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  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

AOB scripts should work with all versions.
File size
22.57 MB
Credit given to modders
Multiple editors not mine. I just put them togather & added a few things.
September 9, 2020

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