Launch with Dropzone
A launcher for Just Cause 4 that will start the game the correct arguments to use the dropzone
directory as seen before in the Just Cause series, with all game data (DLC).
No installation required.
LaunchWithDropzone will attempt to detect your game installation directory, if it can't find the game, it will ask you to select your JustCause4.exe.
By default it will use English for voiceovers, you can override this to a different language.
LaunchWithDropzone.exe eng|fre|ger|ita|spa|rus|pol|jap|bra|mex|ara|kor|tzh|szh
LaunchWithDropzone.exe ara
LaunchWithDropzone.exe jap
LaunchWithDropzone.exe szh
- 1.0.14 - Add more error handling to LaunchWithDropzone.
- 1.0.12 - Fix open file dialog code path in LaunchWithDropzone.
- 1.0.11 - Initial version.
j’ai un problème avec le mod a chaque fois que je lance “lauchwithdropzone.exe” ca me dit de lancer le jeu avec epic game store et qu’il faut une connexion internet le mod est bien sur dans le dossier du jeu
whenever I’m opening the game with this, the hoverboard option is now working ( it is not even showing in the customize option ) any fix for this ?
Doesn’t work with the dlc, missions won’t appear and items won’t drop.
When i do this ( LaunchWithDropzone.exe fre ) the file won t work
Where have you put it? I placed it in the game directory and it works from there.
How to put it in french ?