Realistic Vehicles & Train derailment modification
This mod is for those who want some realism :)
"The damage and durability points/"health"/HP of vehicles and their weapons are somewhat equalized."--JC4 wiki
This mod makes all military vehicles to have HP and weapon damage appropriate to how they look.
To achieve "reality," I created a simple armor system. Vehicles will be divided into two categories: normal and [bulletproof], and weapon damage will be divided into bullet and [explosion]. [bulletproof] vehicles only take [explosion] damage, while normal vehicles take both bullet and [explosion] damage.
This mod set a more suitable weight for military vehicles and heavy civilian vehicles (heavier than vanilla game), better grip performance (reducing vehicle liftoff due to collisions), reduces the top speed and acceleration of some vehicles (such as tanks).
Some infantry weapons (RPGs and sniper rifles) have also been modified to destroy vehicles with increased hp
Optional files
There are two optional files: 02-Harder to derail trains, 03-Realistic heavy civilian vehicles.
With 02-Harder to derail trains, you need 2 Warchief Assault Tank to stop the train, it also makes weapon car shot 2x1600 [explosion] damage and howitzer car with 50000 [explosion] damage.
With 03-Realistic heavy civilian vehicles, civilian vehicles like heavy crane, semi-trailer trucks, mine truck, large ships and airliner will have increased HP and some will be bulletproof.
Modified vehicle HP and weapon damage:
===Military vehicles===
-012 APC
HP: 3000 [bulletproof]
Machine Gun Damage: 350
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-013 Cavalry Armored Truck
HP: 2800
Machine Gun Damage: 350
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-014 Warrior Offroader
HP: 1500
No Weapon
-015 Longbow Cannon Truck
HP: 3500
Gun Damage: 29900
Gun Reload time: 12
-016 Próspero Hauler (Armored Semi-trailer)
HP: 3500
No Weapon
-800 Warchief Assault Tank
HP: 30000 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 11000 [explosion]
Gun Reload time: 7
Machine Gun Damage: 200
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-800 Warchief Assault Tank
HP: 30000 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 11000 [explosion]
Gun Reload time: 7
Machine Gun Damage: 200
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-801 Prizefighter Tank
HP: 6500 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 1200 [explosion]
Gun Reload time: 1.33
Machine Gun Damage: 200
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-802 AA Tank
HP: 3600 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 100 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Gun RPM: 400x2
-Stationary AA Gun
Gun Damage: 100 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Gun RPM: 400
-803 Pointman Scout Tank
HP: 4200 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 1600 [explosion]
Gun Reload time: 4
-904 SAM launcher
HP: 1500
Missile Damage: 2000 [explosion]
-904 Radar Jammer Trailer
HP: 2000
No Weapon
-200 Próspero Sky Crane
HP: 2200 [bulletproof]
No Weapon
-201 Spectre Attack Helicopter
HP: 2400 [bulletproof]
Rocket Damage: 1500 [explosion] (I know they look like anti tank missiles, but I dont know how to make them lock on target)
Rocket Reload time: 0.25
-202 Dropzone Chopper
HP: 2000
No Weapon
-203 Firebrand Scout Chopper
HP: 2000 [bulletproof]
Machine Gun Damage: 5 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Machine Gun RPM: 3000 (kills player in few seconds)
-204 Bloodhound Siege Heli
HP: 3000 [bulletproof]
Rocket Damage: 1500 [explosion]
Rocket Reload time: 0.25
Machine Gun Damage: 5 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Machine Gun RPM: 3000x2 (Extremely dangerous)
-400 Fellhawk Jet Fighter
HP: 1800 [bulletproof]
Missile Damage: 2000 [explosion]
Missile Reload time: 2
Machine Gun Damage: 5 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Machine Gun RPM: 3000
-401 SkyCastle Cargo Jet
HP: 30000 [bulletproof]
No Weapon
-402 Thunderhead Bomber Jet
HP: 2600 [bulletproof]
Bomb Damage: 8000x6 [explosion]
Bomb AOE: 35
Bomb Reload time: 4
Machine Gun Damage: 5 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Machine Gun RPM: 3000
-403 Microfighter
HP: 1500 [bulletproof]
Machine Gun Damage: 5 [explosion] + 400 bullet
Machine Gun RPM: 3000
-101 Daggershark Jetboat
HP: 2000
Machine Gun Damage: 350
Machine Gun RPM: 600
-102 Stormwater Patrol Boat
HP: 3000 [bulletproof]
Machine Gun Damage: 350
Machine RPM: 600
Missile Damage: 1200 [explosion]
Missile Reload time: 2
-103 Conquistador Warship
HP: 32000 [bulletproof]
Gun Damage: 3000
Gun Reload time: 1.5
-104 Spearhead Transport
HP: 122000 [bulletproof]
No Weapon
===Wielded weapons===
-Zopilote Sniper Rifle (look like .308, but it shares the same settings file with LRD-3 in vanilla game, make no sense)
Magazine size: 10
Damage: 200
-LRD-3 Sniper (.50 bmg)
Magazine size: 5
Damage: 350
-PBX Super-Sniper 4 (.338)
Magazine size: 20
Damage: 280
-Anti-Tanque 1 RPG (RPG-7 with PG-7VL)
Rocket Damage: 4000 [explosion]
Rocket AOE: 6
-AT7 RPG (RPG-29)
Rocket Damage: 7500 [explosion]
Rocket AOE: 2
-AT3-X RPG (m202)
Rocket Damage: 400x4 [explosion]
Rocket AOE: 8
1. Choose the modification you want
2. drag the dropzone folder into your JC4 installation directory
March 30, 2023: fixed the center of mass of rebel scout tank
Can you please add a version where my vehicles aren’t bullets sponges? Seriously I stand still in my chopper while a plane and 2 others helicopters shoot at me and I don’t even have a scratch…
Btw how do I make sure your mod is correctly installed ?
Can you make the jets fire 1 missile at a time?
Also increase the heavy tank reload time please?