Battle HUD Cleaner

This mod is a modpack that will consist to remove elements you don't want to see during combat.
Which means you will have multiple files to choose from to allow or not the display of certain elements.
2. What is currently available ?
- NoBattleDamageValues: Remove the number shown nearby character when hitting them.
- NoBattleFinishText: Remove the FINISH text displayed during the slow-motion at the end of a combat.
- NoBattleStartText: Remove the BATTLE text displayed during the slow-motion at the end of a combat.
- NoBattleSuperFinishText: SUPER FINISH text that appear during a super finish in a fight.
- NoComboCounter: Remove the Combo Counter shown while doing consecutive hits on an enemy.
- NoCommandListBackground: Remove the background texture present on the command list that appear on the bottom left of the screen
- NoCriticalHitDisplay: Remove the Critical texture that appear nearby character when a critical hit is made
- NoTargetCrosshair: Remove the target crosshair that indicate which enemy your are locking.
- NoTotalDamage: Remove the total damage shown after a combo.
3. What are the plans for the future ?
- Create more mods for this modpack to have a precise selection of things being removed to please anyone with their own taste.
If you have any feedback feel free to use the comment section.
- Go to the Paks directory located in "DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT/AT/Content/Paks/".
- Create a directory called "~mods".
- If you want to remove the damage numbers that appear on character, drop the file NoBattleDamageValues.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the FINISH text that appear at the end of a fight, drop the file NoBattleFinishText.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the BATTLE text that appear at the start of a fight, drop the file NoBattleStartText.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the SUPER FINISH text that appear during a super finish in a fight, drop the file NoBattleSuperFinishText.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the Combo Counter, drop the file NoComboCounter.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the background texture present on the command list that appear on the bottom left of the screen, drop the file NoCommandListBackground.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the Critical texture that appear nearby character when a critical hit is made, drop the file NoCriticalHitDisplay.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the target crosshair, drop the file NoTargetCrosshair.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you want to remove the total damage made after a combo, drop the file NoTotalDamage.pak in the ~mods folder.
- If you are not sure about the file location, you can check the screenshot for reference:
Version 1.5
ADDED: NoBattleSuperFinishText.pak
IMPROVEMENT: Removed an effect artifact on the NoBattleStartText.pak
Version 1.4
ADDED: NoComboCounter.pak
ADDED: NoTotalDamage.pak
Version 1.3
ADDED: NoBattleStartText.pak
ADDED: NoCriticalHitDisplay.pak
ADDED: NoCommandListBackground.pak
FIXED: An effect was still present during the Battle End Text display
Version 1.2
ADDED: NoBattleFinishText.pak
TWEAK: Mod renamed
Version 1.1
ADDED: NoTargetCrosshair.pak
ADDED: NoBattleDamagesValues.pak
can this mod be updated? text from the last two dlc as well as the card battle and store menus at the start menu are missing