Cutscene mod (Goku first ssj)

Hello this is the modded cutscene when goku transforms into ssj the first time. There is two versions :
- Japanese voice, ozaru scream (from DBZ) with faulconer OST.
- Japanese voice, ozaru scream (from DB Kai) with japanese OST.
NB : the first link is the version with faulconer OST and the second link the version with japanese OST.
Credits to Grey_SH for sounds effects (makes also "all" the second version) and for substitle templates. Big thanks for both :).
Previews :
Faulconer :
Jap OST :
1) Make a copy of the file C02_080_S030_mov.usm just in case.
2) Extract files where you want.
3) Copy C02_080_S030_mov.usm Dragon Ball Z Kakarot/AT/Content/Movies and overwrite if ask.
1.0 : first release.
Would you by chance be able to reupload this? It’d be amazing to have in game.