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DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT – 100% Save file

DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT - 100% Save file

Introduction: My name's Vadenimo. I was called Mario_TV back then, and I lost my VGM account here. I think they removed Steam login and that's why I was unable to login into my normal account. This Save file was created by Lap Boy Game. If you want to download his Save file, then you should click on this link.

Save file contains:

Main-Story Progress: ► Saiyan-Saga: 100% ► Frieza-Saga: 100% ► Cell-Saga: 100% ► Majin Buu-Saga: 100%

DLC-Story Progress: ► A NEW POWER AWAKENS - Part 1: 100% ► A NEW POWER AWAKENS - Part 2: 100% ► THE WARRIOR OF HOPE: 0%

Other Stuff: ► Side-Quest Progress: 100% ► Master Roshi-Challenges Progress: 100% ► Z-Encyclopedia: 100% (Note: DLC-Part 3 is NOT included in Z-Encyclopedia!) ► Every Community-Badge ► Skill Tree Progress: 100% ► Vechicles: Level 50 ► First place in every competiton. ► Max. Fighter Level (Lvl. 300) ► Max. Zeni ► Max. Z-Orbs ► Max. Items (999999x) ► Max. Friendship-Level on every Badge. ► Max. Community Level ► All Attacks ► Everything important.

Disclaimer: This Save file does NOT contain the newest DLC data.

Introduction: Hello. I'm going to show you, how to install this Save file. First, you have to know where you bought the game from. If you haven't bought "DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT" through Steam, then you should use the "Non-Steam-Installation"-Part of the guide.


If you're using Steam Offline, then you've got to use their Offline path. You have to select the "AT"-Folder and then you need to place the folder in this path: "C:/Users/YourAccount/AppData/Local/". Replace everything if needed.

If you're using Steam Online instead, then you have to place the "Steam"-Folder in this path: "C:/Programs (x86)/". Don't forget to replace everything if needed, and then you're almost done- You only need to search in the "Steam"-folder a folder called "userdata", then you open it and you'll see a folder called "YourSteamID". Just rename your folder into your Steam ID and then everything's done. Have fun!

Information: Steam-Offline Path: C:/Users/PC-User/AppData/Local/AT/Saved/SaveGames/ Steam-Online Path: C:/Programs (x86)/Steam/userdata/YourSteamID/851850/


Well, that's kinda bad to explain, because not everyone has the same game path. If you've bought DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT through an alternative store, then your game path is custom. BUT: You only need to find your ""DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT""-folder and replace everything if it's also needed here.

Example: "C:/DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT/AT/Saved/".

Thanks for reading this tutorial!

  • 1Mods
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File size
12.07 MB
August 10, 2021


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  • 1Mods
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File size
12.07 MB
August 10, 2021

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