Power A Doubs definitive pack

Note: This is not my mod, this mod is made by DoubsYT, here is his user name on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonballzkakarot/users/45784892
Huge special thanks to ssjatys for basically everything such as creating Versus Mode, custom transformations, and his help and discoveries. Please thank him as well.
Adds most of my mods, with how I customize them, all in one with some other changes and additions exclusive to this pack. Also has one less z so mods don't need to have as many z in it.
Requires ssjatys' Free Roam Vegito and Gotenks for proper icons (any/no Gohan variant); Versus Mode for Vegito SSJG and SSGSS (any difficulty) (If you're doing the story then remove this as this changes the health of enemies); and Super Vegeta for Super Vegeta to work from ssjatys' Endgame Outfits... Also DLC 2 and 3 for certain skills
A playthrough through the main game and the Trunks DLC with the requirements was done to make sure everything works.
List of included mods (IMPORTANT: REMOVE THESE MODS IN YOUR LOAD ORDER): Also note: Z Orb remover from GMD does not work with this mod; you'll need to get the updated Gogeta name change and see load order recommendation to see where to fix Gogeta Pack (if using it of course)
GMD (both general changes) HOPE custom aura (Long hair No Pupil Enraged; Long hair Pupil Rage but you can change it by putting the hairs in front of POWER) DEMON (Can still use old arms/DBSSH colors if you use 1.12 DEMON) SUPER custom aura HERO custom aura PRIDE Doubs Outlines and Auras Accurate Charge Auras Unleveled Encounters New Vegito Combos
List of changes/additions in this mod:
Base form Vegito is now the default form that's used when using the Potara skill instead of Super Saiyan (increases damage by 20%) (Note: In story mode you'll start in base form instead of Super Saiyan) it uses the Power Unleashed aura to fix certain issues
Slightly decreased SSJ damage to 100% (was 150%) due to the Ki drain
SSJ, SSJG, and SSGSS use the proper transformation animations instead of the instant burst
Base form, SSJG, and SSGSS have new Surge animation effects
Base form Surge uses the old SSJ Surge combo
SSJ Surge has a new combo
SSGSS uses the unique boost when knocking the enemy far away
Kamehameha has a new texture (no name change)
Kamehameha has a cinematic attack (doesn't have facial animations, no I can't just use the Z-Combo one)
Godly Pulse is added to Free Roam Vegito
Changed Vegito's starting level back to 75 instead of 1 to fix the story (doesn't fix the story if Free Roam V&G was installed unfortunately) ----------------------------------------------- Gotenks:
Base form Gotenks is now the default form that's used when using the Fuse skill instead of Super Saiyan (increases damage by 20%) (Note: In story mode you'll start in base form instead of Super Saiyan) it uses the Unlocked Potential aura to fix certain issues
Base form uses the SSJ Surge combo
SSJ and SSJ3 use the proper transformation animations instead of the instant burst
Changed Gotenks' starting level back to 69 instead of 1 to fix the story (doesn't fix the story if Free Roam V&G was installed unfortunately) ------------------------------------------------ Goku:
UI -Sign- has a new, simple Surge combo; eyes, passive, and Surge animation (base form animation due to facial animation glitches)
Note: You'll still need to do the glitch to get UI -Sign-
Glitch Tutorial: At the end of the SSGSS Kaioken Surge combo, spam Ultrasonic Fist and you should be UI -Sign- at the end of the skill
Credit to SteadyPuppy for finding the glitch; sorry for not giving any credits
Fixed SSGSS Kaioken's facial animations ------------------------------------------------ Piccolo (Spoilers for DBS: SUPERHERO):
Overhauled Potential Unleashed 2 to make it Orange Piccolo (New Textures (Piccolo's clothes texture is weird so I couldn't add the white symbol), SSJG aura, Surge combo, and ACA)
Added a new Super Attack called 'Ultimate Special Beam Cannon' that's available in the skill tree after unlocking Orange Piccolo (Level 1 is free); it does similar damage to Ultimate Kamehameha
Added Ultrasonic Fist, it's available after unlocking Orange Piccolo; enemies don't show up during the attack but can still be damaged and it can't be canceled by bosses unlike Goku and Vegeta's so I suggest not using it during certain battles
Godly Pulse Level 1 is free after unlocking Orange Piccolo
Note: Some of OP has blue particles such as Ultrasonic Fist and the transformation, I'm unable to fix it currently.
Demon Flash Strike and it's upgrades can now be combo canceled without the need for Surge ------------------------------------------------ Gohan:
Added a new Super Attack called 'Ultimate Special Beam Cannon' that's available in the skill tree after unlocking Ultimate Gohan (Level 1 is free); it does similar damage to Ultimate Kamehameha
Cinematic attack for Ultimate Special Beam Cannon uses Kamehameha cinematic (Ultimate Kamehameha projectile) due to facial animations
Added Ultrasonic Fist, it's available after unlocking Ultimate Gohan; enemies don't show up during the attack but can still be damaged and it can't be canceled by bosses unlike Goku and Vegeta's so I suggest not using it during certain battles
Godly Pulse Level 1 is free after unlocking Ultimate Gohan ------------------------------------------------ Trunks:
Added a new Super Attack called 'Limit Breaker Galick Gun' that's available in the skill tree after unlocking Super Saiyan Rage it does similar damage to Ultimate Kamehameha
Cinematic attack for Super Galick Gun uses Masenko cinematic due to facial animations
Added Ultimate Vanish, it's available after unlocking Super Saiyan Rage (Level 1 is free); enemies don't show up during the attack but can still be damaged and it can't be canceled by bosses unlike Goku and Vegeta's so I suggest not using it during certain battles
Godly Pulse Level 1 is free after unlocking Super Saiyan Rage
Changed transforming effects for Super Saiyan Enraged and Super Saiyan Rage ------------------------------------------------ Vegeta:
Buffed Ultimate Galick Gun:
Decreased Ki drain by 35% (should drain around 50% of your Ki instead)
Level 1 charge damage rate is now level 2 (was 54 now 100)
Level 2 charge damage rate increased by 100% (was 100 now 200)
Level 3 charge damage increased by 15% (was 400 now 460) ------------------------------------------------ Accurate Charge Auras:
Changed Vegito and Gotenks' charge to work with their overhaul
Changed the white color heat up coloring a bit (it doesn't look like giant steam)
Added new charge color (Orange) ------------------------------------------------ Doubs Outlines and Auras:
Changed UI aura and glow
Added new aura, glow, and outline called 'Fuse' that fixes certain issues for the new Base Form
Added new aura, glow, and outline called 'Orange' ------------------------------------------------ Goku Must Die:
Updated BuffTable to support Gotenks and Vegito's Auto Super Saiyan
Updated Skill, SkillSparking, SkillTree, FormMesh, and VariationMesh to include new changes and various fixes
Changed the UI aura placement to be Power Unleashes' heat aura and removed Beerus' aura from Piccolo's True Namekian Fusion (shouldn't be noticed in actual gameplay) ------------------------------------------------ Test Mode is used for trying out for skills, showcasing them, or skipping the grind. It can be safely added or removed in a save
All transformation Ki drain is -0.5 (very low)
Goku Must Die Difficulty: Player damage is 100% (same as normal difficulty) Everything else is the same
Normal Difficulty: Player has 90% damage reduction Enemy has 80% damage reduction Enemy stun is 4x
Hard Difficulty: Same as Normal except the enemy stun is 0.05x (pretty much unbreakable)
My modded (and ssjatys) skills have a very reduced orb costs and don't have a level requirement
Installation: Drag and drop the Doubs Definitive Pack file into your ~mods folder (AT/Content/Paks/~mods)
Recommended load order (bottom is top priority and vice versa): (Optional) 00VariantGohan.pak FreeRoamVegitoGotenks.pak SuperVegeta.pak VersusMap.pak VersusModeLevel.pak (If you're doing the story then remove this as this changes the health of enemies) (If using ssjatys' Gogeta Pack) zGogetaPack.pak (add z at front to put between Versus Mode and POWER) zzDoubs Definitive Pack.pak (Optional) zzzDefinitive Pack Test Mode.pak (If using ssjatys' Gogeta Pack) ZZZZGogetaNameChange.pak
Well that's it. Hope this enough for you folks to enjoy or 'satiate your boredom'. I'll read comments but I'll try not to respond anymore. I'll see about updating my other mods to include the changes here like GMD, Gogeta name change, and some others. But yeah this should be my last mod... probably not but if it is I do appreciate the folks who've supported me. Thanks.
Some behind the scenes stuff doc
Version 1.01:
- Changed Vegito's and Gotenks base stats to match the ones in Free Roam Vegito and Gotenks
It crashes when I try to transform. Maybe update 1.19?
Whenever I equip the new transformations the game crashes right before the fight starts
definitely the best dragon ball z kakarot mod