Wii Sports Resort: Matt

My first mod for Kakarot conveniently gets released on my Birthday, so that's pretty neat.
Anyways this replaces all of Goku's outfits as well as his UI (it's temporary until I make ones that fit his actual appearance).
MEGA THANKS AND SHOUTOUTS to ZankyeGaming and OniFox for helping with testing, and fixing! Sadly I can't test this very efficiently myself since my computer does NOT like Kakarot, so if there's any issues with the mod (asides from cutscenes since those seem to prioritize certain materials) then please reply and let me know!
Plop the mod in it's own folder in ~mods.
Please don't replace your Pakchunk0 :)
v0.69: Initial Release. Might be broken and is using temporary UI.
The game crashes when i launch it with this mod installed