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Mafia III Script – spawn to unreachable locations

Mafia III Script – spawn to unreachable locations

Here is a simple script I’ve made, to spawn directly to some otherwise unreachable locations.

You can spawn to these places, using these keys:

  • Y: spawn on a road near the Casino
  • U: an Airport Tower (beware most of the surrounding is not really solid!)
  • I: an Island (most of the surrounding is not solid! But the road itself is, until you go to far.)
  • O: Plane 01 (the ground is not solid at all!)
  • P: Plane 02 (the ground is not solid at all!)

It’s a WIP, there is not a lot of places for now, but I might add some news ones!
Feel free to edit the script and change the key binding.

Note: godmode is activated by default!
Note 2: that’s my first script ever, I guess it might be optimized a lot.
Note 3: sorry for my english, not my birth tongue, blah blah blah.

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