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Quantum Containers

Please Note: This is an offshoot (limited) version of my BATT Mod (Build All The Things - name subject to change) which is coming soon (not ready yet). Keep an eye on my mods, I will release it soon, there are so many changes I have to test all of them first.

Quantum Containers by the Ylmrog Corporation - Technology at it's finest!

Ever gone off world exploring only to find you forgot a needed resource at home base?
How about fretting over a decision to add a numbered container to your base.. or your freighter?

Well worry no more as you have just been given the latest quantum entanglement technology container upgrade!

Place a Container in your base and place a quantum copy (same container number) anywhere you choose, on your freighter, on a planet or just anywhere. The contents are accessible from each location via quantum technology! Place a resource in "Container 1" at home base, then fly to your freighter, build another "Container 1". Fly or teleport to a remote planet or location and build yet another "Container 1" and no matter where you go, Container 1 will always have the same items. This technology works for all 10 of your allowed containers!

Please note, what you do to each container will always happen to the linked container. This tech is not "extra" storage, it's "anywhere" storage!


Mod Notes:

This works with the 1.33 update and I have decided that all mods I create will carry the version number matching the working NMS release number.  There is no need to update this mod in any way unless the devs create a game update. It is what it is.

My original intent was to create MORE storage containers, but so far that has eluded me, but what I found while testing was this wonderful side effect. (perhaps when I get more experienced I will be able to add more actual containers and remove the 10 limitation)

What this mod does is allow you to build multiples of each container and removes the restrictions on how many and where they can be placed. It does NOT add more storage. If you build 10 Container number 1's, each will have the same items, accessible anywhere you place them.
So you must heed the numbered container you are using. Building 10 container 1's in your base for example, is pointless unless you are doing it for decorative reasons as each container will have the same items you place in them.

I use this mod to have 10 containers in my base, and the same 10 containers on the freighter, so no matter where I am (base, ship. off world), I can access the resources I have collected.

This might conflict with other mods as it uses a very popular file that a lot of modders are "touching".
See below for which file.  If my mods start conflicting, I will post it in the descriptions (this is my second mod and it works fine with my CAPITALism mod)

Building containers is expensive, so I recommend my other Mod: CAPITALism to allow you easier (purchase) access to the resources you might need.

Please Note: I am not a professional modder and while my testing shows this works just peachy, I have no idea how that might affect you or your game.  I have tested this with multiple saves, at multiple stages of the game and it works just fine everywhere I can tell, but I have not progressed all the way through the game or explored everything, so, like always, use at your own risk, create a backup save if you like.  Removing this mod does not seem to affect the placement or use of the mod, so if you take it out your duplicated containers will still be in game.

(Atlas Rising Compatible)


File to add to your MOD folder: _Ylmrog.QuantumContainers (ver number)

(Steam Path)/SteamApps/common/No Man's Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS
- Please make sure you have created a "MODS" folder in your PCBANKS folder (MODS folder is CaSe SeNsItIvE).
- Delete (or at least renamed/relocated) the .txt file in the PCBANKS folder (if it exists).

·· Please note I am not a professional, this mod is subject to load order and may interfere with other mods (or just not work) where other mods use the same files.


Change Log & Revision Notes:

·Version 1.3 Revision Notes:
- Same as First version, Created for Atlas Rising update. 1.33 compatible just a version number change to match release for less confusion.

·Version 1.0 Revision Notes:
- First version, Created for Atlas Rising update. 1.3 compatible

Files edited:


This mod will be integrated into a larger all encompassing builders mod soon and may be obsolete (unless you just want this mod function)

Changes coming soon: Understanding modding better to prevent conflicts and play nice with other mods. Once I get a handle on this I will update the mod.

Thanks for the download, hope you enjoy.

Many thanks to monkeyman192 for MBinEdit

  • 2Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
6.02 kB
August 25, 2017


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  • 2Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
6.02 kB
August 25, 2017

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