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Salt and Vinegar

Salt and Vinegar

Slightly improve the look of shuttle type ships by removing the rust!

More Starship Map Colors

More Starship Map Colors



I decided to make more colors for the starship map/radar.

Current colors: 

  • green
  • light blue
  • purple
  • violet
  • yellow

I am currently researching ways to use NMSE to allow the color of map (or rather  the texture used) to change based on the ship’s seed. Unfortunately I do not have a lot of free time. I am familiar with C++ and can make a .dll, however progress is slow as there is not a lot of information out there on how to use NMSE to capture and alter game data.

Any and all questions, requests, and help would be appreciated.

Starship Blue HUD

Starship Blue HUD

This is my first mod, I wanted to make something simple.
I have tried to make diffrent colors for this mod, but for some reason the game did not like them and it turns them into white…

Anyways, have fun in your re-colored ship!

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