Charger Neons, GlowEngine 2.0 +var decal
Some of you waited patiently and now it is time ;)
What you'll get by downloading this mod:
- Charger GlowEngine raw 1.0 and 2.0
- Charger Neons(several colors)
Please give credits when showing my mods in videos or screenshots! Thank you!
Install instructions of Rocket League texture mods:
-install Bakkesmod (Download: -install the AlphaConsole Plugin (Download: If installation of the plugin doesnt work via the website -> start bakkes and go ingame -> press f2 -> plugins -> plugin manager -> open plugin manager -> install by ID 108
1. Open BakkesMod 2. Hover over “File”, then click on “Open BakkesMod folder” 3. Open the “Data” folder 4. Open the “acplugin” folder 5. Open the related mod folder. For Decals into DecalTextures For BallSkins into BallTextures … 6. Extract the .rar/.zip file there. (You may need Winrar,Winzip or 7zip to extract) 7. Start RL 8. Open AlphaConsole Plugin by pressing “F5” 9. Now select, if required, the needed decal. You can either do this with the bakkes item mod (F2) or equipping it from your own inventory. I recommend to use the item mod since you also can select decal accent colors aswell as custom team and decal colors!
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updated this mod on 21st February 2023, hope you enjoy <3