Peep Octane Decal
octane decal for lil peep fans :>
Install the alphaconsol plugin for bakkesmod then head to bakkesmod and open up the folder, go to data > acplugin > DecalTextures and put the unzipped folder their. then relaunch the game and head to your alphaconsol plugin and equip the Peep Octane Decal under decal textures :>
copy and paste the original .json file from the hyperbeast and delete everthing on there and input this command:
“peep octane”: {
“BodyID”: 23,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Chassis”: {
“Diffuse”: “oct_Chassis.png”
“Body”: {
“Diffuse”: “oct_diffuse.png”,
“Skin”: “oct_decal.png”
need the ” .json “