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Smash 4.5

This mod aims to increase the pace of the game, as well as give characters more diverse combos and options. Every character has been tweaked to allow them to do what they do best... even better! Essentially, every character has been buffed beyond vanilla Sm4sh's standards, while still staying true to their character. This mod is also sort of a tribute to past installments of Smash (namely, Smash 64 and Melee), with some mechanics being reworked, such as hitstun between that of the first two installments (the removal of hitstun cancelling as well), Directional Influence being increased, faster ledgegrabs and more!


I've realized that this mod is largely unfinished, so if you've downloaded it and played around, you may have noticed that some characters still feel slow or unchanged. I am currently working to make sure all characters in the game get the attention they deserve, and to make sure they feel less restricted and fun to play. It may take awhile before I release another update of this mod, and when I do, it will probably be under a different name, because my goal of this mod is not have it be an upgrade or updated version of Sm4sh, but something different. This was my first public mod release, and it's evident that this was a learning experience for me. That being said, I aim to improve on it as much as I can to create a different Smash experience than what you may have been used to. Of course, this is no Project M for Wii U (as much as I wish it were), but I plan on the next release being much bigger than what I have uploaded now.

A big thanks to those who have supported me and to those who provided feedback. I'm always open to ideas/opinions, so if you've got one, feel free to let me know in the comments section!

This mod is pre-packed, so all you have to do is copy/paste the "patch" contents to the patch folder in your SD card.

I've also included an unpacked version so you can use this mod with others, as well as custom songs I've been using.

For more information on installing mods, visit TS4M's tutorial here.

Version 1.1


  • Altered frame speed of DamageFly animations (does not affect hitstun)
  • Star KO's and Screen KO's have been slightly sped up
  • Certain characters who always face towards the screen (i.e. Mario, Kirby, Jigglypuff, etc.) now have their back turned when facing left, like in previous games

Captain Falcon:

  • Jab1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  • Utilt
    • Now hits twice, with hit 1 coming out frame 6, doing 13% total if both hits connect
    • Shield damage: 0 -> 10
    • Second hit BKB: 22 -> 10
    • Second hit KBG: 100 -> 115
  • Uthrow
    • BKB: 80 -> 70
    • KBG: 110 -> 105
  • Dthrow
    • BKB: 80 -> 75
    • KBG: 50 -> 35
  • Neutral B
    • Fixed aerial Falcon Punch momentum issue
    • Grounded, non-turnaround Falcon Punch is now unblockable
  • Ledge Attack now has a voice clip like the rest of the cast


  • Counter Surge FKB increased, making it easier to combo
  • Counter Surge damage multiplier: 1.2 -> 1.17

Donkey Kong:

  • Gained a projectile
    • Performing Up Taunt now spawns a barrel that DK can throw
    • Can be thrown like a normal item, but dropping and picking it back up will let DK throw it for more velocity and damage
    • Random barrel explosion
      • Angle: 361 -> 80°
      • BKB: 25 -> 65
      • KBG: 80 -> 40

Dr. Mario:

  • Jab 1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  • Dash Attack sweetspot damage: 8 -> 9%

Duck Hunt:

  • Dair
    • Added ground-only hitbox with higher BKB than aerial hitbox


  • Dash attack
    • Sourspot active for 4 extra frames
    • Sourspot angle: 40 -> 72°
    • Reduced BKB of both sweetspot and sourspot
  • Utilt
    • Slightly increased KBG
  • Dtilt
    • Sourspots removed, does 13%
  • Fsmash
    • Altered hitbox SFX
    • Damage: 15 -> 17%
    • BKB: 10 -> 40
    • KBG: 100 -> 90
    • Sourspot Damage: 10 -> 14%
    • Sourspot BKB: 40 -> 10
    • Sourspot KBG: 90 -> 105
  • Usmash
    • Second hit Damage: 14 -> 12%
    • KBG increased to compensate
  • Dsmash
    • Damage: 15 -> 16%
    • Sourspot Damage: 12 -> 13%
  • Fair
    • Damage: 11 -> 13%
    • Sweetspot active frames greatly reduced
  • Bair
    • Damage: 13 -> 15%
    • BKB: 35 -> 0
    • KBG: 105 -> 100
    • Sourspot BKB: 35 -> 0
    • Sweetspot active for 1 additional frame
    • Sourspot active frames reduced by 1
  • Uair
    • KBG slightly increased
  • Dthrow
    • Now places opponents prone directly below Falco instead of in front of him


  • Jab 1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  • Down B
    • Shine lock frames removed
  • All Throws' lasers do less damage


  • Ledgegrab range decreased
  • Fsmash
    • Damage: 15 -> 17%
  • Dsmash
    • Damage: 11 -> 12%
    • Angle: 0 -> 1°
  • Nair
    • Sweetspot damage: 9 -> 12%
  • Bair
    • Comes out 4 frames sooner
    • Hitboxes now attached to Puff's foot
  • Uair
    • Damage: 9 -> 12%
  • Dair
    • Grounded angle: 270°
    • Aerial angle: 30°
    • Total damage: 16%
    • Finishing hit removed
  • Side B can be angled more, gives more distance


  • Increased Final Cutter shockwave distance


  • Jab 1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  • Utilt
    • Damage: 7 -> 8%
  • Uthrow
    • Damage: 7 -> 8%
  • Dthrow
    • Damage: 5 -> 6%
    • BKB slightly increased
  • Up Taunt
    • Added Invincibility while growing
    • Added super armor while Mario is at full size


  • Shorthop height slightly increased
  • Dash Attack, Ftilt, Utilt, Fsmash, Dsmash, and Fair sweetspot hitbox range slightly increased


  • Fsmash
    • Altered hitbox GFX
    • Hit 2 damage: 8 -> 10%
    • Hit 2 BKB: 60 -> 50
    • Hit 2 KBG: 109 -> 70
  • Usmash
    • Sweetspot BKB: 50 -> 35
    • Sweetspot damage: 15 -> 17%
    • Sourspot damage: 11 -> 14%
    • Sourspot BKB: 38 -> 10
  • Dsmash
    • Hit 1 damage: 12 -> 13%
    • Hit 1 active 6 frames sooner
    • Hit 1 KBG: 90 -> 80
    • Added a thrid hit with the same properties as hit 2
  • Down B
    • Hitlag reduced
    • Increased shield damage

Mii Gunner:

  • Fsmash
    • Multihits can now hit prone opponents
  • Down B 1
    • Shine lock frames removed
    • Hitbox active on frame 1
    • Invincible on frame 1
    • Damage: 5%
    • Angle: 80°
    • BKB: 110
    • KBG: 60


  • Dsmash
    • Added an air-only hitbox for both hits with damage: 12% (for hit 1), 14% (for hit 2), angle: 361°


  • Can now double jump cancel
  • Up B
    • Eggs linger longer before exploding
    • Can now throw eggs slightly behind him


Version 1.0


  • Lucas, Mii Gunner, Mii Swordsman, Olimar, Pit, R.O.B., Diddy Kong, Little Mac, and Zero Suit Samus have been completed

Little Mac:

  • Increased airspeed
  • Increased fall speed
  • Increased gravity
  • Slightly reduced shorthop height
  • Jab 1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  • Fsmash
    • Added invincibility on neutral angled variant for 4 frames
  • All Aerials
    • Increased damage by 2-3% and decreased endlag

Mr. Game & Watch:

  • Fixed crash on Side B when getting a 9


  • Increased damage by 2-3% on all non-pikmin attacks
  • Dash Attack
    • Now a KO move instead of a combo move
    • Damage: 7% -> 11%
    • Angle: 68 -> 361°
    • BKB: 50 -> 0, making it unsafe on hit at low %'s
    • KBG : 50 -> 120

Toon Link:

  • Fsmash
    • Slightly decreased KBG on second hit
    • Altered second hit SFX
    • Reduced hitlag of second hit
  • Dsmash
    • Now only hits once on each side with damage: 13%, angle: 30°
  • Uair
    • Altered hitbox SFX
  • Up B
    • Increased vertical distance
    • Can no longer sweetspot the ledge

Zero Suit Samus:

  • Jab 1
    • Can no longer rapid attack by holding A
  •  Ftilt
    • neutral angled damage: 8 -> 11%
    • down angled variant has a new air-only hitbox with damage: 10%, angle: 361°
  • Utilt
    • Increased KBG
  • Usmash
    • Increased hitlag: 0.5 -> 0.8
    • Increased SDI capability
    • Slightly increased KBG
  • Dsmash
    • Each hitbox does 2% more damage
  • Nair
    • Front hit: 8 -> 11%
    • Back hit: 8 -> 10%
  • Fair
    • First hit: 5 -> 6%
  • Bair
    • Sweetspot: 12 -> 13%
    • Active for 3 additional frames
  • Uair
    • Damage: 8 -> 9%
    • Hitbox active 1 frame earlier and 1 frame later
  • Dair
    • Aerial hit and landing hit damage does 1% more damage
  • Down B Footstool attack
    • 8 -> 10%
    • Slightly decreased KBG


Version 0.9 (Initial Release):

  • Fall speeds increased
  • Fast fall speeds rebalanced to compensate for this
  • Reduced vertical hitstun boost, allowing characters to survive vertical KOs longer, but fast fallers get comboed harder as a result
  • Increased SDI for nearly all attacks
  • Increased overall damage output for each character
  • Reduced Hitlag multipliers on rapid jab finishers and some multihit finishers to maintain a fluid pace to the fight
  • Reduced landing lag to all characters
  • Increased maximum DI angle: 9.9° -> 18°
  • Removed vectoring, making it more optimal to utilize traditional survival DI
  • Tech Window: 8 -> 16F
  • Missed Tech Cooldown: 30 -> 36F
  • Hitstun Constant: 0.4 -> 0.435
  • Removed the ability to cancel hitstun with an airdodge or aerial attack
  • Shieldstun slightly increased
  • Removed global shield damage bonus, meaning shields are now more durable
    • Heavy characters deal more shield damage than others
  • Shields decay at an extremely slow rate
  • Shield recharge half as fast
  • Minimum shield hold frames: 11 -> 8F
  • Shield Drop FAF: 8 -> 15F
  • Powershield shieldstun multiplier: 0.66 -> 1
  • "Colored Streak" GFX on normal attacks removed
  • Removed Meteor Smash SFX
  • Characters can now act off the ledge faster; 20 -> 7F
  • Ledge regrab penalty greatly reduced
  • Most characters can no longer sweetspot the ledges with their Up Special
  • Reduced landing lag on Up Specials to compensate
  • Grab cooldown time removed
    • To prevent infinite chaingrabs, increased base knockback on throws that would normally have low base knockback
  • Rage effect removed
  • Crouch Cancelling has been buffed significantly
  • Items have been janked (including pokemon/assist trophies)
  • Frame Buffer: 10 -> 0F (No training wheels!)
  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

Credit given to modders
January 20, 2020


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  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

Credit given to modders
January 20, 2020

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