Unreal Engine 4 Mannequin
Use the RyuModManager for this mod. https://github.com/SutandoTsukai181/RyuModManager/releases/tag/v1.1
The base mannequin from Unreal Engine 4 made into a playermodel for Yakuza Kiwami 2. Could also work for Yakuza 6, but it hasn't been tested, probably would need its files to be rearranged. Of course, it isn't exactly like the mannequin, as it is missing the UE4 logo on its chest and its more metallic rather than the almost plastic white it was, but it still makes for a pretty cool playermodel. Clipping issues are to be expected, but they aren't horrible.
Drop the folder inside the zip into your RyuModManager Mod folder and add the folder name to the mod load order text file
5/2/2021 - Creation of the mod!
5/2/2021, Several minutes after release - Changed the db.par into a db folder with the only file it was changing.
5/2/2021, 11:00 P:M - Also replaces shirtless Kiryu, now works in coliseum (and appears on the main menu.)