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Grasslands Slalom – New hoverboard course

This mod enabled an unused, but fully functional mountain hoverboard course, called Grasslands Slalom

In the regular game, we only got two of those, but there's a third one that was never added in

This mod enables it as soon as you finish the agency intro-mission, so if you just want to try it out, you don't need to play through the entire dlc to unlock it!


And in case you manage to beat my time of 57.89, let me know!


Watch the Youtube video above for a showcase!

=> For even more Just Cause, join the Just Cause Discord to join the community, support, mods and to take part in multiplayer sessions!

To install mods, you got two options that you can choose from. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, so here you go:


Simpler alternative to mine, however does not support quickstart


This method has a slightly complicated setup, though if you follow the tutorial on it's page, you will have no problems setting it up. During setup, you can also choose if you want the game to perform a quickstart, which DLC to exclude plus you can even set up multiple mod folders, while still being able to start the game without any problems with no mods activated


After choosing your preferred mod loader, simply unpack the mod and put the dlc folder into your dropzone!


  • initial release
Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
24.11 kB
December 6, 2023


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  1. Thank you very much for your mod!However the previous two mountain hoverboard challenges were removed by game developers. So I wonder could you please recover these two races too? I guess this might be even easier than this unused race,I believe you can do it just piece of cake!Thank you a lot again!

Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
24.11 kB
December 6, 2023

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