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JetPack OverHaul

I've spent 20 years playing FPS+Z games mostly the Starsiege: Tribes series and other games like it.
NMS really faltered on the jetpack mechanic in comparison to other games that feature jetpacks so i
decided to try and make it a more enjoyable part of the game.

This mod makes the jetpack feature in NMS a more viable transportation method and overall improves how it functions.
I've adjusted the values to make jetting more flowy and fun, It's a rocket strapped on our backs why is it not fun in
the first place?


Adjustments: Moved to change log.



1. Extract contents of RAR file to desired location
2. Drag _ATaXiA.JetPackOverHaul.X.pak into your "No Mans Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS" folder
3. Remove or rename DISABLEMODS.txt in PCBANKS folder

To Update remove old file version and replace with newest version. Use only ONE Version


*NOTICE* Will conflict with any other mod that modifies "GCPLAYERGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN"

Version 1.13 - Updated to NMS 1.5.5

RaR contains both Regular and Unlimited, Use Only ONE.


Version Unlimited - Includes all 1.1 Changes Also

Removed jetpack drain

Increased Refill time

Increased total tank times

Enabled Free jetpack mode upto 3000m (Same effect as climbing a cliff with no fuel, minus needing the cliff now)


Version 1.1 -

Reduced total tank time for better balance

Increased Max Fall Speed to reduce damage when falling faster from the new jetting (No longer criticals you on impact)

Slight increase to consumption for balance

Made melee burst jump more forgiving (Easier to melee into jetting now)


Version 1.0 - Initial Release

Initial "Jump Jet" increased but still well below "Surge Jump Jet" Effect

Removed Horizontal Jet Drain, Redundant vertical jet drain is plenty

Increased jetpack force and speed, no longer feels like you weigh 8 tons when trying to jet

Max Jet speed slightly increased

Max Jet up speed slightly increased

Jet ignition time shortened for better responsiveness

Increased jetpack fill rate

Increased jetpack tank times, scales with jetpack tech.

Increased Jetpack Break for better air control

  • 7Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
4.40 kB
Credit given to modders
ATaXiA a.k.a Armageddonv2
August 11, 2018


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  • 7Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
4.40 kB
Credit given to modders
ATaXiA a.k.a Armageddonv2
August 11, 2018

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