No Man’s Sky NEXT (Steam) – Cheat Engine Trainer (1.57)

Inf Health
One Hit Kills
Inf Sprint
Inf Jetpack
Jetpack Power
Working Rocket Boots
Inf Scanner
Inf Life Support
Inf Ammo
Inf Grenades
Inf Mining Beam
Inf Blaze Javelin
Inf Terrain Mapper
Inf Hazard Protection
No Overheat
No Ship Overheat
No Rocket Launcher Overheat
Inf Hyperdrive
Inf Launch Thrusters
Inf Pulse Engine
Inf Deflector Shield
Exocraft Moon Jump
Inf Exocraft Boost
Inf Fusion Engine
Inf Exocraft Mining Laser
Inf Exocraft Cannon
Summon Exocraft Anywhere
Stack Modifiers
Bypass Locks
Ignore Crafting Requirements
Ignore Materials For Damaged Components
Always Have Conversation Item
Universal Translator
Always Summon Freighter Battle
Kill All Pirates
Galactic Map Speed
Journey Pointers
Wanted Level
Inventory Slot Pointers
Money Pointers
Current Inventory Stats Pointer
Highlighted Item Pointer
Frigate Stats
Teleport To Custom Marker
cedricvdg - For finding a way to implement mouse-over on elements and products.
MojoW - For finding the location of stack instructions.
cedricvdg - For updating the Universal Translator script.
cedricvdg - For the Kill All Pirates and Always Summon Freighter Battle scripts.
igromanru - For making the Set Items To Max script.
Install latest cheat engine application > Open the file > select No Man's Sky process > profit.
For more information visit the official cheat site:
- Download and install the latest version of cheat engine from
- Download the file (mod)
- Open the downloaded file
- Click the 'select a process to open button' (image:
- Find and select No Man's Sky on the process list.
- In the bottom window of the program, you will see [Old] and [NMS Next Update]. Click the [NMS Next Update] - the full list of cheats will expand. You can then enable / disable whichever cheat you want.
NMS Next Updates:
Update 47 - Fixed some of the basic cheats, but I still have a LOT of work to do. So much has changed with this update I have to start over from scratch.. I'll have more done later tonight.
Update 48 - Updated with a few more cheats, such as Ignore Crafting Requirements(Tech/Prod Only), Bypass Locks, and some more Inf stuff. Added pointers to Nanites and Quicksilver, they seem to be treating currency a bit differently now! Fixed a bad edit with Current Inv Stat Pointers.
Update 49 - Added Always Have Jetpack Power Surge, Inf Blaze Javelin, Inf Deflector Shield and Ignore Materials For Damaged Components. Also added Always Have Conversation Item, but this needs further testing for products, I'm almost sure this is the case. But not having the correct Item ID's makes thing hard for testing. I made some decent progress on the dropdown list for the element/product section. There is just so much new content it's overwhelming! Ignore Crafting Requirements for base building products is being an asshole right now. Even though I've forced the conditions true 3 different ways, it still wouldn't let me craft anything. Maybe I just need to try this on a clean save..
Update 50 - Added Ignore Crafting Requirements for base building items.
Update 51 - Fixed Always Have Conversation Item. Slowly adding things to the DDL.
Update 52 - Added some exocraft stuff. Galactic Map Speed, Wanted Level, Journey Pointers, No Ship Overheat, No Rocket Overheat, Inventory Slot Pointers and probably some more I forgot. Fixed an issue with Inf Sprint. Added more entries to the DDL, this is becoming my main focus now!
Update 53 - WITHIN MINUTES!!!! Updated for whatever update!
Update 54 - Fixed an issue with Ignore Crafting Requirements for base building items. Everything should be craftable now. Some might say you still don't have the required materials, but you'll still be able to craft it. I'll work on the cosmetics later. Added Stack Mods based on findings by @MojoW. Added a function, found by @cedricvdg, that allows mouse-overs on elements and products to the Highighted Item Pointer.
Update 55 - Fixed an issue with Always Have Conversation Item. Possibly fixed the issues GOG users were experiencing, need feedback on whether it worked. Still sifting through Item IDs for the DDL.
Update 56 - Table updated for 1.52.
Update 57 - Added Teleport To Custom Marker. This is to be used only with the custom map marker, not other marked locations. The script can sometimes pick up on those locations you have marked so keep that in mind. I'm not going to delve into detail of how coordinates work in this game, but if you have any questions fell free to ask. My blink script is nearing completion as well, but as of right now its only picking up on certain object collisions. The dropdown list is almost complete, all the important items should be in there! If you notice something is still missing from the list, grab the ID of the item and let me know.
Update 58 - Removed Jetpack Power Surge. Added Jetpack Power and Working Rocket Boots. Added Universal Translator script, updated by @cedricvdg. Fixed an issue with ammo stacks.
Update 59 - Added Frigate Stats.
Update 60 - Fixed a couple scripts for the GOG version.
Update 61 - Updated for latest version.
Update 62 - Added Exocraft Moon Jump!
Update 63 - Fixed disable issues with Working Rocket Boots and Jetpack Power. Added Always Summon Freighter Battle and Kill All Pirates, made by @cedricvdg. Added Set Items To Max, made by @igromanru. Added One Hit Kills due to popular request.
Update 64 - Updated Always Summon Freighter Battle and Journey Pointers.
Update 65 - Updated for 1.57 version (some features now working properly)