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Son Goku (End of Z) – All Canon Transformations

Hi! Here Kaito Kid to announce the final show! This last mod I made is EoZ Goku but also comes with a GT color version! You know what is better? That this is completely FREE TO USE (except for the God Bust model), you don´t have to ask, just credit me and the rest who helped in this mod!

This Goku comes with a custom moveset (with transformation variants) and new Super Saiyan skills and animations! Credits to: Revamp Team for the assets Blacklight for helping me a lot, making the transformations combos (I made every form in their own awoken and he joined them into a progressive versions) Kate for his amazing sound effects for the Ultra Instincts forms! 345bonehoss for his dyt pack and letting me use a Revamp God model I used as base for Goku (This is why God Goku´s Bust is not part of the free to use) Hope you enjoy the mod! See you, next illusion

Just a normal x2m

1.0 Release

Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!)
  • 18Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
20.84 MB
May 18, 2021


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  1. Want to start off by saying that I am new here and new to intsalling mods/modding…I have successfuly got the patcher and installer part up and working I am able to install .x2m characters everything seems to work fine but when it comes to this specific mod for example I am not successful

    any help would be highly appreciated I have followed the instructions correctly at least I think I have for the most part New Transformations installer 3.2 is installed first then install the .x2m when I choose Goku the animations are off his voice skill set for each transformation and he only transforms to God red version with no changes in moves etc. nothing beyond if I try he reverts back to normal is what am I missing????

    Also is it something with the (New Transformations Intaller) NTI? cause I chose hair transforms and choose no tail at the end and go into hair changes and install them with no luck again I am new sorry for the long comment I have tried everything that I can think off even clear mods with the installer…

      1. Yeah maybe so with Lazybones installer do I need to install the goku hair changes etc that are in the folders like UI no health requirements etc or do I just need to proceed with the installer steps without installing anything in the Lazybones installer folders???

      2. Another thing I forgot to mention is that I wipe clear mods in the mod installer so have no other mods just been trying to get this one to work first well now I am since I can’t get it work the .x2m installs fine but again nothing changes when I play no skills change wihen transforming and only transforms to god red with no changes after that if I try to transform he reverts back to normal

          1. Sad to report changing the 3 letter code did not work now I am back to step one in trying to figure out what is causing the problem hopefully I can get it to work one day lol

  2. this mod is awesome. anyway you can do a teen goten like the end of z nephilim has with the 3 rd outfit and long hair and make him go super saiyan 1 through 4 and and one thats super saiyan god to blue and why not add super saiyan 3 blue and make the forms pretty strong like this one if not a little more. id definitely be willing to pay. #cash app lol

    1. Each timeline has it’s own canon. Some forms exist in other series but don’t exist in the main current timeline, but have nods to them, like Kale’s berserk form and Broly’s humanoid Oozaru form. Don’t you think it’s pointless to go on like this when nobody cares? you act like something not being canon to DBS and stated that is not is an insult to you, your acting defensive, as if you feel attacked. DBZ had terrible pacing, DBS has terrible writing, GT has ugly characters like Super 17, and that annoying robot named Giru. All shows have their flaws, now calm down because you feel like your being attacked. I guess this isn’t surprising coming from you, aren’t you the one that keeps posting GT loving, Super bashing memes in Heaven’s server? Making everyone cringe? Dude, like, there are so many things you could be doing, like watching GT or rewatching Z. You need a break from social media. Have fun, and take care.

      1. Dude are you kidding me GT and ugly characters? especially Super 17’s desing is literally better than all of those of Super combined..

        And my point was, that there is no official defined canon for this franchise, since i checked every single interview from the authors, and it was never stated anywhere.

      2. wait, this says all canon forms but you have super forms here? canon would be just ss1-3. Super is set in a different timeline, with goku having a different back story. It follows minus, not dragonball. I was really hoping for an end of z goku with just ss1-3 that fought different.

Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!)
  • 18Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
20.84 MB
May 18, 2021

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