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Lobby Pose Skill Pack For Photo Mode

This pack contains 12 skills that allow you to do lobby poses in battle! These are meant for photo mode. Each skill contains 5 poses and can be preformed in the air.

I even added facial animations to certain poses!

The skills are available in the skill shop.

Credit goes to Kristal for allowing me to use her Legends Pose Pack 1 mod as a base!

Thanks to Kiido for screen shots of their Cacs.


9/26/22 - 1.0 - Release

8/4/23 - 2.0 - Made it so that if you lock on to your target while performing a pose, your character will look towards them. (Credit to Dr Willy 88 for showing me how to do this.)

  • 22Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
42.02 MB
Credit given to modders
Dr Willy 88
August 4, 2023


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  1. This mod looks great! Question, is there anyway to downgrade this? I’d like to ask if you can make a downgrade version so I can use it for the 1.17.01 version of the game, but I would also like to learn myself. Main reason I haven’t updated. Got some mods I still need to use.

  2. Love you’re mod. But if I could offer a little feedback to make it even better, there is 2 little things that you could do to improve this further. The first thing is I noticed for some of the emotes the facial expression is different depending on if the cac is on the ground or in the air. I would keep the facial expression the same for both for consistency. The second thing you could do is add this to the bac: “animation modifaction”
    What this does is it makes the cacs head look at the opponent if there locked on during the animation of the pose. This could help set up for some cool pictures of cacs looking/talking to each other. That would make this mod perfect in my opinion. If you need a bac to copy this from check the base game skill pressure sign. That has the animation modifaction in it.

  3. Ok, so I’m experiencing two problems with your modpack (figure that you should know, incase anyone else goes through this:

    1. Whenever I zoom in before I could get close to the face or what-not, my character disappears. Won’t reappear unless I zoom out and move back, which kills any possible face shots or half body shots. Even when the camera is far away, zooming in will cause the character to vanish.

    2 (which is the biggest thing out of the two): Some of the skills will cause the character to be completely out of wack. Irregular positions, arm going through the body, just completely glitched out.

    Granted, I did a clear install before downloading your modpack and I use Revamp as well (its literally the only other mod installed) so maybe it might have something to do with Revamp but other then that, I don’t know why this is happening.

    1. Awesome mod! 5 Stars, but I have this problem too with a handful of the skills. just maybe 4 of them that cause a totally deformed CAC. I assumed it was some other mod of mine conflicting too. LMK if you find an answer! But yeah, you’re not alone…. seems a Few of us experiencing the same thing.

      1. My male CaC had modded clothing but when I tried it for my female Cac, she wasn’t wearing anything at all and it still happened. Even tried rotating the camera around to get closer instead and it still caused her to vanish.

        The one pose skill in the present worked so that fixed that problem.

        1. See, now I’m even further confused because the cutscene pose mod you released is allowing me to zoom in or at least get close to my characters to where they’re not vanishing but the lobby pose skills is still having the same issue.

          Like, I’m not trying to find problems with this because I really want to use this mod so I’m confused as to why this is still happening.

          1. The whole cutscene poses are super buggy, some of the lobby poses work but the rest are completely broken. I tried having just one pose skill in my preset and that didn’t work, and trying to figure out what clothing mod works with it is very tedious.

  4. Hey, this is pretty awesome. I know this is tedious but could you rename the skills to have a related name of what each one looks like? Like one skill could be “Typing computer” and “Thumbs up”. It would make things easier when selecting which one i need for photo mode

  • 22Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
42.02 MB
Credit given to modders
Dr Willy 88
August 4, 2023

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