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**INSTANT 80 + MAX ZENI UPDATE**29-11-2016** + 2 Previous Versions ALL based on KINGPINS GoD MoDe FILES! ** 4xEXP + XL base stats and 2x EXP+L STATS&REDUCE KI Gimmick + An instant 80 & MAX ZENI in the second FILE!!!!!! ((NAME and INFO files are ENGLISH-ONLY))


I do not have discuss so i can not leave any comments in the comments section, because i have seen someone left a mad reply, i have updated the information inside this section.


The person that left the reply in this list saying it does, is not aware that it is the patcher or even another reason his save files got corrupted.


You can use mods without the patcher, the patcher is just there for people that want the mods to work the easy/more convenient way, and that do not want to unpack and pack files.

If you have read the manual on the main page ( like you should ), you can clearly read that the patcher can cause different kind of problems because it alters memory directly.


Besides that nobody is forced to use these files at all.

So if you think you are not experienced enough to use more "advanced" features of a computer

or if you are to impatient to follow a few simple steps, it is your own problem.


Also you could simply make a backup of your savefiles before tempering with anything

It is not the mod but neither the patcher it's fault anyone did not create a backup of the savefile, or has not read all the manuals first.

Savefiles can get corrupted in many other ways, it is always smart to make backups once in a while.



The files used to create this super soul, are originally modded by KINGPIN.


I Sent him a message to ask if it was okay if i uploaded this soul based on his files. And i think anyone else should do the same before using the files for uploading anywhere.

All i did was change some effects, in the work he has already done.

He should be creditted for making it possible to even make these different souls.

Also the Thread on the forums here explaining how to edit these .IDB files and HEX Tables, are a great resource.

Without KINGPIN and The thread i would not have been able to even modify this soul, and would be clueless about where to start so thumbs up for him and all others making it possible to have fun with these SouL and Shop mods.

If you want to DONATE anything, you should go to KINGPINS profile, i only uploaded this slightly changed version for fun and returning something to the community which i downloaded from in the first place.

So i want to share a SouL with these changed effects, based on his GODMOde Soul... which work pretty good for levelling new characters quickly.




**QUICK NOTE** Since it is all KINGPINS files and his work, this also includes the Buy Everything in the Shops **Items, Skills, Clothing** And only the names of the souls and stats including the EXPERIENCE GAIN have been altered by me, you can buy it in the ITEM SHOP @ exact the same spot as his GODMODE, and for the INFINITE ZENI and INSTANT 80 FILES it will include 1 Soul with 4 x EXP at the GodMode place and the InSTANT 80 itself ca be found under the give me 20 million zeni SuperSouL.. Just Buy it equip it and Leveling takes no more time then beating 1 quest,, max zeni takes1 or maybe  2 or 3 quests all depending on the ratig and which quest you finish first.

GOES INTO DATA1.CPK's Folder structure since version 1.0.3 of the game instead of DATA2.cpk..


***3'rd and LAST version***

ONLY USE THIS SOUL UNTIL YOUR MAX LVL 80 and have 999.999.999 ZENI after that you can go back to your preferred SouL.

Continuing the use multiple times after reaching max level and max zeni could possibly craSH THE game, making you have to restart it (not a big deal and it is not a 100% certain, during 10 tests it happened 1 time and only after doing 5 quests more then needed.!!! so be sure to use something else after using the soul what it is meant for.!!!

The NEW version i added today simply does 2 things,,,,, you create a new character ,, you kill Raditz first,,, after RADITZ you go to the ITEM SHOP and buy the SOUL Called

*******Instant Eighty!******** it is below the give me 20 million zeni soul.!!!

You equip the Instant Eighty! and after that you complete the ELDER kai's introduction  quest !! which is the next story event after raditz..  And You simply finish it with a Z-rating and will gain enough EXP to become LVL 80 immediately.!!!

While doing that this soul will also give you 999.999.999 ZENI depending on the rating you finish with and the amount you get,,, you might have to do a personal quest 2 times the one with raditz goku piccolo and gohan young version after,, and then you will be MAX LEVEL AND HAVE MAX ZENI (MONEY)!!!!

This is handy to create and try out new races and such,,,,   YET PERSONALLY I ADVICE< to first complete the game with the normal modes only,, at least a couple of times before using this SUper overpowered SOUL(s).... but you have to decide for yourself in the end.. Im just saying,,, the game story is worth it to at least complete the game a couple times without this soul...!



**2'nd VERSION**

This increases ALL base stats by XL &

HP/Ki-Regen when attacking/stamina regen when not attacking by XXL

It has no FUN Gimmick but this second version increases the EXPERIENCE by 4 x After quest completion for even more levelling speed


**1'st VERSION** Below is what the soul exactly does..____________

Name of Soul is Changed

Time Train Ki-EEE-Ra(S)er.


And the info states.

Super Soul of the Supreme Kai of Time (Charged Ki attacks remove Ki from enemy)+Boost all attacks + reduces DMG taken. & 2 X EXP from quests gained !!!


1. EXP Gained = 2 x     ( Like 40 ton's Weight ).


2. Hitting enemy with a normal CHARGED Ki Attack = Removes +/-  3,75 filled Ki-Bars from the targetted *NPC* enemy !!!

  • (Powered up version of Super Saiyan Gogeta's One finger is enough for you.).
  • (Blocked attacks do not count !!).
  • ( This DOES NOT WORK ONLINE AND IF IT DID Super Souls should NOT be used online anyway !  I Simply tested this during 2 Matches and let myself LOSE on Purpose for honesty's sake !! ).



                    The Base STATS gained From *EQUIPPING* are below.                    

  1. HP = XXL
  2. Ki = M
  3. Ki-Regen = XL 
  4. Stamina = M
  5. Stamina-Regen = XL 
  6. Ground/Flight/Boost/Dash Speed = L 
  7. Basic Attack = M
  8. Ki Basic Attack = XL
  9. Strike Supers = L
  10. Ki-Blast Supers = L
  11. Basic Attack DMG Reduction = L
  12. Ki Basic Attacks DMG Reduction = M
  13. Strike Super DMG Reduction = M
  14. Ki-Blast Super DMG Reduction = M


This way you can start a new character, benefit from the increased experience from the first fight, while still having a more then decent boost to base STATS, and having a pretty fun gimmick to remove enemy's Ki charges.(( if you time it well in some Fights )).


Have Fun levelling some more chars, and keep everything honest online.. !!!!!!!!!


Since Version 1.0.3 goes into DATA1.cpk's file structure instead of DATA2.cpk's file structure.

Like All The Rest.....

Tutorial is on there Main Page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


COPY the Data fodlers of the Soul You want to use into data1.cpk file structure,, repack it and your done.!!!

***3'rd and LAST version***

ONLY USE THIS SOUL UNTIL YOUR MAX LVL 80 and have 999.999.999 ZENI after that you can go back to your preferred SouL.

Continuing the use multiple times after reaching max level and max zeni could possibly craSH THE game, making you have to restart it (not a big deal and it is not a 100% certain, during 10 tests it happened 1 time and only after doing 5 quests more then needed.!!! so be sure to use something else after using the soul what it is meant for.!!!

The NEW version i added today simply does 2 things,,,,, you create a new character ,, you kill Raditz first,,, after RADITZ you go to the ITEM SHOP and buy the SOUL Called

*******Instant Eighty!******** it is below the give me 20 million zeni soul.!!!

You equip the Instant Eighty! and after that you complete the ELDER kai's introduction  quest !! which is the next story event after raditz..  And You simply finish it with a Z-rating and will gain enough EXP to become LVL 80 immediately.!!!

While doing that this soul will also give you 999.999.999 ZENI depending on the rating you finish with and the amount you get,,, you might have to do a personal quest 2 times the one with raditz goku piccolo and gohan young version after,, and then you will be MAX LEVEL AND HAVE MAX ZENI (MONEY)!!!!

This is handy to create and try out new races and such,,,,   YET PERSONALLY I ADVICE< to first complete the game with the normal modes only,, at least a couple of times before using this SUper overpowered SOUL(s).... but you have to decide for yourself in the end.. Im just saying,,, the game story is worth it to at least complete the game a couple times without this soul...!


(((By the way the Folder for Instant 80,, will also have the previous 4x-EXP Soul still on the last spot in the ITEM SHOP..., the instant eighty is more to the midle and below the give me 20 million zeni SOUL!!)))


GREETings once again, and have fun,,,  this will be my last update for these SOULS ,,,


Since Version 1.0.3 goes into DATA1.cpk's file structure instead of DATA2.cpk's file structure.

Since it is all based on KINGPINS Files,,   the Super Soul ID number = the exact same..       73


This is ENGLISH ONLY.. other languages will need original GODMODE files first or just play with an empty name and info field while levelling.!!!


So for any other languages then ENGLISH there is a easy fix which is the following.


Download GODMODE itself and place the Files in data the regular maps...

then after that You Simply Download This SoUL and place it in the right folders..

OVerwrite the 3 FILES ,, and English it will have the new name,, while other languages will then just NOTE GODMODE from the original MOD.

Or the long fix for NON-ENGLISH Gamers is you could change the Name and Info of your country's file yourself to whatever you wish in the file yourself.


@Alfian Young Teguh,

The name is not Super Soul of the Supreme Kai of Time , that is the information when reading it.  The name is Time Train Ki-EEE-Ra(S)er.

But i could understand not everyone would like that name, so feel free

To change the name, you have to edit the, other files. for name and info. (Which i have only DoNe in ENGLISH.)


@ Everyone Else

I understand some prefer it to me more powerfull on base stats like GODMODE itself, but i did it this way on purpose, because i wanted this soul to FOCUS on giving more EXP , &  having a FuN gimmick,, while still giving a Moderate/Large boost to all base stats, except for HP which is Very HiGH. (Beyond whats possible in the game normally)

But feel free to change those things to your own liking if you want it to be more powerfull, although i would advice to let the Charged Ki reduce stay on the Base Effect line and not change it to the Special Effect 1 or 2,, it could possibly conflict with Double EXP and if it does not conflict, then everytime you use a charged KI blast the SouLs Name will pop up below your Characters name.. but if that doesnt bother you , you could *try* and change that.




  • 1Mods
  • 34Followers

Game Version 1.0.3 Tested INTO DATA1.CPK
File size
22.51 kB
Credit given to modders
COMMENTFORUM based on KINGPIN his mod files !!
December 29, 2016


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  • 1Mods
  • 34Followers

Game Version 1.0.3 Tested INTO DATA1.CPK
File size
22.51 kB
Credit given to modders
COMMENTFORUM based on KINGPIN his mod files !!
December 29, 2016

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