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Dragon Ball Super Music Mod V2

Warning: Be careful using this mod in videos. It contains copyrighted songs meaning your video can be taken down or striked. However, I should say that the chances of that happening are extremely low to never. There are several Xenoverse 2 videos out there using DBS songs that haven't been taken down, not to mention there are literally videos out there that are just DBS songs that are still up, even a video that is showcasing my mod. The sounds from Xenoverse 2 should mask the songs so any automated bots wouldn't be able to detect the song, and chances are Toei aren't searching for gameplay videos. This is merely a warning if you're paranoid.


Approved by the original creator: tesla2105; Original Post

This mod is (was) an extension of tesla2105's files. Consider this the up to date version of the DBS Music Mod. I made it purely DBS songs only, with the exception of the BoG and RoF insert songs, and it also replaces the Conton City BGM so no more of that crappy circus music.

This mod is not intended for story mode. You can use it for story mode if you like, but there may be problems like songs not ending from what I've been told (never personally played story mode with this mod installed so I can't speak from experience) or unfitting music. Hero Colosseum music will most likely not be updated because the music in DBS is unfitting for the tech theme along with the music file for Hero Colosseum seems to be missing several tracks.


Here's the full list of music tracks (ordered from the Battle Music list):

  1. Time to Strike Back
  2. An Antagonistic Battle
  3. Vegeta's Strength
  4. Flow - Hero
  5. The Terror of Frieza's Army
  6. Frieza's Resurrection
  7. Maximum the Hormone - "F" (Instrumental)
  8. Believe in Yourself (String Version)
  9. The Birth of Merged Zamasu
  10. Fistfight Battle
  11. Heroic Battle
  12. The Ultimate Super Warrior is Born
  13. No More!
  14. Impatience
  15. Battle Royale
  16. Limit Break x Survivor (Instrumental Type B)
  17. Instant-Kill Battle
  18. Strongarm Battle
  19. The Wall Before One's Eyes
  20. A Fearsome Foe
  21. The Power to Resist
  22. A Secret Plan with One's Life on the Line
  23. Fierce Battle against a Mighty Foe
  24. Limit Break x Survivor (Instrumental Type C)
  25. Ultimate Battle (110)*
  26. Ultimate Battle (Vocals)
  27. Ultimate Battle (Guitar)
  28. The Final Death-Match
  29. Dream Tag Match
  30. Unwinnable Battle
  31. Blizzard
  32. Broly Begins to Battle
  33. Kakarot Vs Broly
  34. Broly vs Gogeta

The last three are mixes. They are the OSTs that play during the listed fight in "chronological order" of the song's appearance. Mixes are more meant for training mode, team battles with no timer, PQs, and roleplaying because they are nearly 10 minutes long (check the installation guide section if you want a tutorial to remove the battle timer). I made sure to adjust each song so it sounds just like it did from the anime.

35. Mix #1 - Soundtrack of Goku vs Hit [Time to Strike Back, A Tough Battle, Trouble Erupts, Believe in Yourself (String Version), and Chozetsu Dynamic] [6 minutes long]

36. Mix #2 - Soundtrack of Vegito vs Zamasu all the way to Trunks vs Zamasu [Super Saiyan Three, No More!, Impatience, Heroic Battle, and Birth of a God] [8 minutes long]

37. Mix #3 - Soundtrack of Goku vs Jiren [Desperate Plan, Fierce Battle against a Mighty Foe, A Fearsome Foe, and Limit Break x Survivor (Instrumental Type C)] [8 minutes long]

* Ultimate Battle (110) is not the official version. I mixed together several covers to make it sound like the version you hear in episode 110 (view the description of my video to find the full credits log). It is pretty much 90% accurate. It took a long time to do but I'm happy with how it turned out.


If you plan to take songs from this mod and upload it to YouTube such as the Ultimate Battle mashup that I made or the extensions of songs, please give credit, both to me and the people involved to make Ultimate Battle.

Choose the version you want in the Google Drive link and download the 7z file. Silenced intro version is for people with custom intros. If you get an error like "You don't have authorization to view this page", try doing it in an incognito tab.


Files should go in data folder


Want to know how to remove the battle timer to make more use of the mixes? Go to the DB Xenoverse 2 install folder and where you installed the XV2 Patcher. There is a folder called "XV2PATCHER" and inside it there is a file called "xv2patcher". Open it and find the [Patches] section. At the very bottom of that section there is a line that says "battle_timer =". Change the false to true. Scroll down the list until you find a section called [BattleTimer]. At the bottom of that section make sure the last line says "time = infinity". Now you no longer have a timer.

This is my hugest update yet. The entire mod was practically redone from scratch. It will also be the final major update, any subsequent updates afterwards will be to fix small errors.


  • The mod now utilizes Eternity's looping function. What does this mean?
    • It means you should never hear the songs end and start back up from the beginning anymore. No matter how long the battle is, each song will endlessly loop over and over again
    • Songs will still have their intros but you will only hear them once now (at the beginning of the match)
    • "Flow - Hero", "Maximum the Hormone - F", and "Blizzard" have a special, unique loop when you reach the end of the song
    • Mixes will loop the last song over and over again if you manage to reach the end of one
    • As a small bonus, the overall file size is also slightly smaller
    • There is a download for a legacy version, if for some reason you want it (no infinite loop, can hear it audibly end and start back at the intro)
  • Removed
    • Judgement Day (there are several songs that have the atmosphere that song is going for, but better)
    • Mix #4 (frankly, did not have enough unique songs to warrant its own spot)
  • Added
    • Kakarot vs Broly
    • Broly Begins to Battle
    • Both songs have the feature I implemented in V4.4 where they buildup much faster
  • Changed
    • "Flow - Hero" and "Blizzard" to all Japanese version
    • Changed all "Ultimate Battles" to Funimation English versionʲᵘˢᵗ ᵏᶦᵈᵈᶦⁿᵍ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵏᶦᵈᵈᶦⁿᵍ
  • The overall volume of every modded song has been cut in half to appropriately match the volume of the base game
    • This does not apply to the legacy version
  • Fixed several songs that had audio clipping problems, most notably "Time to Strike Back" and "The Terror of Frieza's Army"
  • The version for people who own the anime music pack 2 has been discontinued. I did not realize that the songs in that pack aren't actually even full length (Flow - Hero and Ultimate Battle are like 1 minute long and don't even loop properly). The ones in this mod are much better than what you pay for that there is no reason to choose them over the mod

Please let me know in the comments if there are any problems like a song not looping properly or a bad sounding loop (pops, gaps, or clicks in the audio). I tested all the songs to the best of my ability but I do not have the time to sit through each song for more than 4+ loops to spot for problems.

  • 5Mods
  • 34Followers

Credit given to modders
July 31, 2019


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  1. The games have great music. I even often find soundtracks on YouTube, and then I listen to them like regular music. You can listen by opening the video each time, but it’s inconvenient, so I found the Tubidy service to download music from these videos to your phone in mp3. Moreover, it comes out even much more economical, because for comfortable listening to music on YouTube, I’d need a YouTube premium subscription, and this service is free.

        1. Click download and it sends you to google drive and then hover over the one you want and next to the file size it will have a download button then extract the downloaded file and merge the data folders in the DBXV2 game files. (Posting if you hadn’t found out yet.)

  • 5Mods
  • 34Followers

Credit given to modders
July 31, 2019

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