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Male & Female Colorable Super Saiyan 4 Pack

Includes: Male & Female Colorable Super Saiyan 4 Pack

Normal X2M Method

All Super Saiyan 4 forms are colorable

All forms have a Female Version

Golden Super Saiyan 4 & Golden Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

Super Saiyan 4 (Non-Transformable) & Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta (Non-Transformable)

Super Saiyan 5 & Super Saiyan 5 Gogeta

Super Saiyan Blue 4 & Super Saiyan Blue 4 Gogeta

Super Saiyan God 4 & Super Saiyan God 4 Gogeta

Super Saiyan Rose 4 & Super Saiyan Rose 4 Gogeta

Legendary Super Saiyan 4 (Non-Transformable) & Legendary Super Saiyan 4 (Transformed)

The Hair, Eyes, and Eyebrows for each transformation are included (XV2 Patcher Method)

Please Give Feedback/Any Problems With Mod


I will take request for these types of mods, they are easy to do & fun to use.

Remove Yellow Super Saiyan Glow is Kingpin's mod, I'm just providing it with my mod

Side Note: When you return to base form/defeated the base color will be the same as hair color

Credit: I really would not be able to complete this pack without the help of FoxySSJ4. I really appreciate their help & commitment. FoxySSJ4 Created: Female Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta & Male/Female Legendary Super Saiyan 4

Normal X2M Method

I only put in one picture because I want others to submit their pictures, that I'll use to show how each Form/Transformation looks. (My pictures are very boring)


-Only one picture will be chosen for each transformation & gender (I provided base form picture)

-The Hair, Eyes, & Eyebrows color must match the same color as Super Saiyan 4 fur (I included a folder for each transformation color)

-Submit pictures in comments via Disqus

-Viewers can vote (1-5), please be nice. I'll pick the best pictures submitted

-Please do use only the files provided in this mod, anything else could mislead someone to what is actually in the pack (The hair on your CaC doesn't matter, just make sure if the hair is not your own, credit the modder)

-When there is a picture for each transformation, no more pictures will be required

  • 22Mods
  • 19Followers

File size
13.55 MB
Credit given to modders
Sportiax & FoxySSJ4
September 10, 2017


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  • 22Mods
  • 19Followers

File size
13.55 MB
Credit given to modders
Sportiax & FoxySSJ4
September 10, 2017

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