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PQ 143 – Other World Offensive – Major Script Overhaul and Bug Fix

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Main thing is enemies could get defeated before they transformed and then the quest transformed them into nothing (can be seen at 0:36 in video). Quest worked fine afterwards but who wants bugs in their quests? :)

Main features:

- Reduced number of flags from 19 to 5

- Pikkon no longer talks once he is defeated

- Cell's and Freeza's health caps are NOT removed BEFORE they transform, thus completely getting rid of the script bug you can see in the first minute of the video

- Script1, Script2, Script3, Script4 were deleted and their contents were edited into Script

- Some States and Events were removed because they were obsolete

- Added more dialogue variations for when Pikkon is beaten but enemies want to talk

- The quest runs a lot smoother from my experience

- Changed all possible quest drops' drop chances from 40%, 45% and 50% to 100%

- Quest Warning (orange graphic telling you you have entered Ultimate part of quest) now plays sooner

- Once you beat the Ultimate Finish, the quest is considered cleared one second after Pikkon starts talking (or, if he is beaten, one second after Buu and Dabura died) instead of once he finishes talking

- I've added some necessary script codes to ensure it cannot get stuck because a script-essential dialogue didn't start

Through Eternity's Quest Importer:

- Go to Vanilla Quests folder (needs extraction from .rar of same name)

- Go to TMQ_3600 in Vanilla quests - Quest - TMQ - TMQ_3600

- Take the script and quest from my .rar that you downloaded here and with it replace the script and quest in the file from one step prior (in TMQ_3600)

- Delete script1, script2, script3, script4 from TMQ_3600

- Open Quest Importer

- Go to Parallel Quests - TMQ_3600 Other World Offensive

- Right-click - Import - The file into which you placed my edited script

Note: Only replace the original quest file with mine if you want guaranteed quest drops. If you are fine with random chances, you can ignore the quest replacement altogether.

  • 29Mods
  • 15Followers

File size
4.54 kB
May 10, 2024


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  • 29Mods
  • 15Followers

File size
4.54 kB
May 10, 2024

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