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Shopaholic – Shops now carry everything – OUTDATED DO NOT USE

This will make ALL battle items, materials, clothes, accessories, super souls, & skills (including Awoken skills) available in the regular npc shops. Items not normally able to be purchased will cost 1 zeni. Enjoy :)

*Tip - If you need zeni, buy & then sell Hercule badges. They cost 1 zeni and sell for lots. That will work for any item with a high resale though. I might eventually make it so everything only costs 1 zeni but it's rather tedious. That has already been done for accessories though. TP shop items were moved to the regular shop inventories as well.


Update: Everything now only costs 1 Zeni with version 1.75 & up.




Here is a link to my profile on the forums that you can use to send me PMs for things like commissioned requests. Talk to me before donating if for a request. You can donate by following this link (here).

Also, this is a link to my personal requests thread where you can also find my donation button located in my signature if you're interested in supporting me with future updates and releases.


The contents of the folder inside just need to placed in {data>system>item}.


It will work with any modding method. You may need to create the folders yourself depending on what you're using.


Check the home page for a tutorial on the easiest way to install mods. Personally, I prefer to extract data2.cpk, add my mods, then just repack it & replace the old one. The xv2patcher(easy) method is writing directly to ram real time which can be demanding on a PC with lower end specs. It can cause random crashes if you don't have a significant amount of free ram.

1.1 - Fixed talisman.idb so all super souls are now available too. Be sure to replace it.

1.2 - A few souls we're missing. Went back and got them unlocked too. Hopefully no more updates are needed.

1.21 - Added missing upper Battle Suit (Bardock) that was pointed out as missing.

1.3 - Added some missing pants costumes, including 4-Star Dragon Ball bottoms and some others I spotted in the code while fixing that.

1.4 - Put all the files in folders mirroring the install path. Didn't know it was causing so much confusion.

1.5 - Added missing skills and items. May be more accessories as well but I couldn't remember what was there previously versus now. There were no more functional clothes to be added.

1.75 - An emergency update to fix everything the DLC 1 Pack update broke. Includes the new super souls, skills, clothes, etc. Everything also only costs 1 Zeni now.

1.8 - Added some missing accessories.

1.85 - Included Geordan9's custom cus file which makes all skills usable to by all races, though I edited transformations out due to the fact that most don't work properly when used by other races. The next update will feature a separate skill file with a number previously restricted skills made available. Use of those skills will be at you own risk! You may get banned if attempting to use them online. Any damages to your save and/or pc caused by use of any of those skills is entirely on you.

  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
36.53 kB
Credit given to modders
October 5, 2022


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  1. Can you update the mod to include DLC items and skills if you have the DLC for them? For example, I have Extra Pack 2, but I can’t get any of the items or skills from that DLC. I do plan on getting more DLC in the future, so it would be nice to be able to get the items and skills included in those DLC from the shop whenever I need them.

  2. Can I get some help with this mod? I had LazyBones’ new transformations mod downloaded and some other mods that added items, and this mod deleted all of those and removed TP medal items. Any fix to this, mainly the TP medal clothing?

    1. This mod (like ‘everything unlocked in shops’) replaces all the sold items in stores, to the point of where the last version of this mod was uploaded.

      tl;dr – This mod will overwrite any other ‘store/inventory’ based files in your game folder. Only use one or the other.

      However; if you get the new transformations mod itself and buy the forms; then add this mod, it will be fine. But you can only use ONE Item add/store item mod at a time.

  3. Definitely a must have mod on my list. Nothing is more painful than grinding the same quest dozens of times and getting everything but the 1 single little item that you want from the rewards. Takes dozens of times per quest times over 100 quests, it gets boring and frustrating super fast. Very rarely will I do a quest and get the item on the first few tries. Kingpin, you’re the savior of all those that despise grinding for that one item of clothing to complete their outfits.

  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
36.53 kB
Credit given to modders
October 5, 2022

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