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Sword Movesets for SYM and HUM CaC (SWORD SHOULD FIT IN HAND) 1.2

Hey Yall, Its been 3 bloody years.. Anyway What I'm about to put here is in the readme anyway..

Ive had these edited animations for quite some time now and thought its a good time to give them out just for using Tapions/Trunks Moveset or use the animations as a Moveset resourse. As you can see the sword actually fits in your CaC's Hand. Amazing I know! The swords that use a sheath, should not clip if you follow the install instructions. I have also tested every height/weight and the sword should not clip!

Install instructions:

1 - Install what attacks you want to use. (Just install all of them)

2 - Install what Sword you want to use. (Just install all of them)

3 - Install one of the movesets.

4 - Install Effects Installer. (This is used for to get the sword effects. If it says ''reinstall'' Just do it)

Hopefully you shouldn't have any problems.

I had to replace the back hit for Trunks/Tapion as the animation would always mess up when exporting. Sorry about that! I replaced it with UI Goku's back hit.

PS. I have not tested these attacks on a x2m character, so good luck with that I will try and make sword animations fit in the hand for SYF next.. Maybe.. I also might add more supers/alts and swords in the future.

If you do decide to use the Movesets in your own movesets, You only need to Credit me! Thanx.

Credits: Rastaman for the sword esk Unleashed for the amazing sword attacks! (I just edited the animations on these attacks to work with a real sword and not a Ki sword)

Watch the Youtube video to see how it looks in game! Have fun!




1.0 - Uploaded Mod

1.1 - Added a fix for those who are having trouble with getting Tapion's sword sounds to work

1.2 - Added a version for HUM CaCs

  • 37Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
30.56 MB
Credit given to modders
Rastaman, Unleashed
May 21, 2023


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    1. uninstall all of the moveset mods you have installed, if you have the guarge (guard charge mod) installed i’m pretty sure this counts too. Then re-install one of these sword moveset mods or another one (Mine worked with the crimson blade moveset)

  1. Okay, I have gotta ask, where did you get the outfit your character is wearing? Been after something just like that for the longest time, mad respect to DBZ but most outfits for CaC besides the orange gi’s look hilarious IMO.

  2. Idk if this is updated for the newest usage of eternity mod loader but when I use the taipon moveset(I installed moveset first, then z-sword addon, then the effects) the sword is invisible. I am using Db’s cell shaders pack coupled with revamp xenoverse, are there any known issues with these compatibilities?

          1. (EDIT) 1.1 has been uploaded, Check the moveset folder. Or if you do not want to do that, You should download Lazybones Transformations, It should include the file you need. Hope this helps.

  • 37Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
30.56 MB
Credit given to modders
Rastaman, Unleashed
May 21, 2023

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