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My Hero Academia Eyes

My Hero Academia Eyes

*UPDATE* While I created this mod to reflect Itsuka Kendo’s eyes from My Hero Academia, I realized that a lot of other characters have eyes like this in various moments, so I thought it would be fitting to 1) rename the mod to “My Hero Academia Eyes,” and 2) add a second option, so you can choose between large eyes and small eyes.

A simple mod allowing HUF/SYF’s to use Itsuka Kendo’s (best girl) pupils from the hit anime My Hero Academia. Thanks to Nieorginalny ( for helping explain the process to edit/create unique pupils.

You don’t need to ask permission if you’d like to use this, but credit is appreciated.

*The eyes I’m using are MikikoX’s ( Beauty Eyes.

Better Base Form eyes for HUF/SYF

Better Base Form eyes for HUF/SYF

This mod changes the default eyes of the character SYF cac, it works with all the eyes

Credit to:

Revamp for the assets

Chillir at The Citadel for helping me with it

Bardock/Future Gohan’s Scars with SSG pupil vs2

Bardock/Future Gohan’s Scars with SSG pupil vs2

This mod contains Bardock’s face (Eyes Shape and Scar), Future Gohan’s Scar and Goku SSG Transformable Pupils

HUM_000_Face_base -> Mouth/Jaw Type 1 (Bardock’s Scar)

HUM_000_Face_Forehead -> Eyes Type 1 (Bardock’s Eyes Shape)

HUM_001_Face_base -> Mouth/Jaw Type 1 (Future Gohan’s Scar)


Pupils of Goku SSG (transformable)

HUM_000_Face_eye -> Pupils Type 1

HUM_001_Face_eye -> Pupils Type 2

-> Recommended install both eyes to avoid bugs between type 1 and 2

(Gif of transformation in the end of the gallery)

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