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Bikini with metal arm for HUF/SYF

Bikini with metal arm for HUF/SYF

Taken from my personal mods

(Vegeta GT pants used for the pictures, the mod only includes the bust and hands)


Low Profile

Low Profile

Very Minimalistic Design as it can get pretty much

JFK outfit

JFK outfit

friend little requested ya may or may not like it but its good lol


credit to: thatguynamedted for the nude bust

Super Saiyan God Kaioken

Super Saiyan God Kaioken

Channel the power of a Super Saiyan God and combine it with Kaioken x20!

You won’t regenerate health because of kaioken, and guard will break easier, but gain ki faster and be stronger than a regular Super Saiyan God!

Youtube Video:

*You need these aura packs to be able to use this mod*

Lazybone’s New Transformations Mod:

Azura’s Aura Pack:

Colorable Wing, Rist Attachments for NMC, HUF and FRI

Colorable Wing, Rist Attachments for NMC, HUF and FRI

A simple mod I put together that adds colorable wings that take up the rist slot for NMC, FRI and HUF. There are two variations for each, try them out for maximum customizability options.
Find them in the shop. No they are NOT accessories because accessories are not good for being colorable, (or good to work with in general, I hate,hate,hate,hate…)
This mod is a resource. The only limit on what is disallowed is if you want to use it for paywalled work, don’t do that.

Bunny Suit kefla And The Outfit

Bunny Suit kefla And The Outfit

dance? Sing? idk but its sexy

Credit to Tbatz for the portrait on the kefla






yes indeed a lot of pictures

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