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Naruto transformable hair for male CaC

Naruto transformable hair for male CaC

I’m here again!

This time I’ve converted Naruto’s hair from Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.

Like the other similar mods, the bandana and the hair are colorable, and the hair transforms when you’ll turn SSj.



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I Found a way to remove completely the black outlines, but that requires a little effort by your side!

If you want to requests an hair mod or read the outline removing guide, this is my forum topic: The Wizard transformable hairs.

Kakashi transformable hair for male CaC

Kakashi transformable hair for male CaC

I have to thank Mít Tơ Kyu for the idea, I’ve seen his mod New Hair For Male CAC and I thought to create this one!

Base hair are taken from Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.


The bandana and the hair are colorable, as you can see in the screenshots!

When you’ll become SSj, the bandana will go up to reveal the left eye, just like Kakashi!


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I Found a way to remove completely the black outlines, but that requires a little effort by your side!

If you want to requests an hair mod or read the outline removing guide, this is my forum topic: The Wizard transformable hairs.

Madara hair for male CaC

Madara hair for male CaC

This time I present you another Naruto character, Madara!

Like the Konan one, the models are taken from Untimate Ninja Storm 3.


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I Found a way to remove completely the black outlines, but that requires a little effort by your side!

If you want to requests an hair mod or read the outline removing guide, this is my forum topic: The Wizard transformable hairs.

Flak Jacket for male CaC

Flak Jacket for male CaC

I tried to create a proper bust to be used with the Naruto hairs I’ve converted, this is the result!

As you can see in the screenshots, it’s fully colorable.


This is my first attempt to create a completely new bust mod, so it isn’t perfect, don’t look at it with too much attention!!



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I Found a way to remove completely the black outlines, but that requires a little effort by your side!

If you want to requests an hair mod or read the outline removing guide, this is my forum topic: The Wizard transformable hairs.



replaces Goku or Recoome

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