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Xenoverse 2 PVP Rebalance Project: Lite Version

Xenoverse 2 PVP Rebalance Project: Lite Version

So far, this zip file only has the necessary files such as characters, sounds, and skills for the base game. It is a proof of concept mod pack that is meant to show how the game can be made more fun for players looking to try PVP with each other through mods.

The Lite version has just the skill rebalances and the character moveset changes, with a few sound and system files to help it work. With more opinions and feedback, I can make the more expanded version to add a few extras such as further improved characters that you can install with unique skills and awoken transformations.

Permissions have been gained by these people for the mod and future installments.
Rechow for ideas and support as well as contributing to making this mod.


Any feedback, opinions, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated to help this mod project grow into something special. If things go well before and after the newest DLC update, I may possibly release REMIX characters for the Full modpack.

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