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Vegito DB Super (DeviantArt)

Vegito DB Super (DeviantArt)

This version I found it in deviantart and I found interesting for a mod, this includes SSGSS, if you want the costume for your character, you can find it on my blog 🙂

I am very happy because every day at least one person subscribe to my channel, this is a motivation for me which I am grateful :,D

My channel:

New mods in my blog:

Kayl’s Custom Transforming Hair Style

Kayl’s Custom Transforming Hair Style

Hey folks! answering a request for another hairstyle, requested by Kayl himself for a transforming version of his hairstyle which I started from scratch!

This hairstyle is compatible with the majority of my previous mods so you can easily take a texture from there and place it on this hairstyle!

Sasuke SSJ3 Hair

Sasuke SSJ3 Hair

Hey folks! a style I had no planned on releasing but other projects have captured my interest and I thought i’d share again! I will not be releasing the custom ssj version as that is with other styles but ssj3 is free to go!

Install instructions are in the read me file.



Time Breaker Venom For FRI and HUM

Time Breaker Venom For FRI and HUM

This is a costume made to look like venom/symbiote ooze got on Mira,therefore creating this time Breaker Venom concept.If you want me to do more concepts like this just tell me a specific armor and I will Venomify it.I will soon release a version for Namekian race since I feel they are underated and they don’t even have a section here.

Yea guys what’s up with that?Why is there no Namekian race section!?


Also the hair style that is shown on my Saiyan cac was made by Tryzick.

Cloud Transforming CaC Hair Pack

Cloud Transforming CaC Hair Pack

Hey folks! just a little experiment I was doing and thought i’d share with you all, it took some time but its in playable condition so enjoy!

In this pack there is four versions of this hairstyle, two H-Graphic versions of SSJ, SSB and two Normal versions of SSB and SSJ

DBO Hair V4 to SSJ3 with eyebrows

DBO Hair V4 to SSJ3 with eyebrows

Hey folks! making some progress with modding skills and I was able to adjust he model of SSJ3 eyebrows and attach them to the SSJ3 Hairstyle so no longer will forehead file be needed and you will get a much more effective look!

The emb’s on the base hairstyle have not been completed yet but when they are I will released an updated version!

For the new NON H-GRAPHICS VERSION Texture –

Cloud SSJ3 CaC Hair

Cloud SSJ3 CaC Hair

Hey folks! bringing you another ssj3 mod with eyebrows already attached as a request!

For the new NON H-GRAPHICS VERSION Texture –

Afro CaC Hair Pack

Afro CaC Hair Pack

Hey folks! Yet another request being answered for my lovely subscribers! this fun little hairstyle turned out to be more fun that expected and comes with its own custom SSJ style! enjoy!

Comes in H-Graphics SSB & SSJ and normal graphics SSJ & SSB

Rage Explodes – Super Saiyan Transformation Animation Change

Rage Explodes – Super Saiyan Transformation Animation Change

Hey folks! after talking with my friend Lord Muto on steam, he gave me a quick lesson in how to change animations for super saiyan transformations so I thought I should give it ago!

More animations from Lord Muto –

Black to White SSJ Transformation CaC (H-Graphics)

Black to White SSJ Transformation CaC (H-Graphics)

Hey folks! made this myself and thought i’d share it with all of you! I found an outfit on and wanted a transformation to go along with it.

Hair texture will only work with my hairstyles or any with the same structure.

Contains: Hair Texture, Eye texture, Brow texture and aura file.

Outfit –

Tryzick Custom CaC SSJ Pack

Tryzick Custom CaC SSJ Pack

Hey folks! after telling you all no so many times when you wanted this hair style I finally decided it was time to let up and give it out so I have put this in to a pack with other forms for you all to enjoy!





The true power of the gods has been realized! Forget having to choose between Gold, Red, or Blue! Now, you can be all that and more! This mod will grant you power beyond comprehension!*

This spectacular mod (which should have been in the game, obviously) retextures regular Super Saiyan for CAC’s. It gives a glowing rainbow shine and changes the aura to that of Super Saiyan Blue. Also, Super Vegeta 2 has been renamed to SSJ Rainbow.

This should work for all Male and Female hairstyles and eyes. If not, let me know and I’ll fix it… Maybe.


Credit to LuffySaiyan for the idea: Rainbow Raditz



*This mod will not actually make you stronger, it’s just a dumb retexture.


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