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Dragon ball ElseWorld FINAL

Dragon ball ElseWorld FINAL

welcome to dragon ball elseworld where I have added 8 what if characters

Bargeta, Legendary Super Saiyan Demon Broly, Golden Cell, Super Saiyan God/Blue Cell, SSGSS4 Gogito, Super saiyan God/Blue Vegito, True God Goku and Kaio Gohan

with custom skill sets and transformation, enjoy


Galaxy Buster

Galaxy Buster

A re-texture of Final Buster.  I hope you enjoy.



This is my first ever mod. I hope you enjoy playing with this. If you have errors or problems please inform me. I know the Uploader name and the Modder names are different, that is because I recently changed my youtube name to FreshAsim. So I use FreshAsim now.

Kid Trunks SSJ1-3 Transformation

Kid Trunks SSJ1-3 Transformation

At last! Super Saiyan 3 Goten finally has a worthy competitor:


This is my first transformation mod, so let me know what you guys think. Huge credit to Val E Ryon for his super helpful BCS editing tutorial and additional pieces of advice, assistance with model errors, and continued patience with the mountain of questions I piled on him. Thanks a lot man!

Note: This mod replaces Kid Trunks’ second costume with his first costume so both slots have his green gi and orange belt (I think it looks way cooler than his shorts and jacket). Also, SSJ works on both slots, but SSJ3 only works on the second slot.

Change the skill, enjoy, and leave some feedback 😀

Trunks’ long hair for male CaC (with SSj)

Trunks’ long hair for male CaC (with SSj)

I’m here again!

This time here’s the so much requested Trunks’ long hair, always taken from Raging Blast 2.

I’m liking the SSj hairstyle a lot! The normal one has something strange, it works but I think I should change something.


version 1.1

Added Bojack unbound version, I have to credit LawLaw for the models, both normal and SSj hair models are made by him.


As always, I’m open to suggestions!

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