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Long Sleeve Undershirt

Long Sleeve Undershirt

Releasing another undershirt mod for you folks! it comes in both h-graphics and normal version so enjoy!

Tryzick Custom Two-Tone Transforming Hair

Tryzick Custom Two-Tone Transforming Hair

This hair contains three forms, h-graphics SSJ and normal graphic SSJ as well as a SSB h-graphic form.

Hair is colourable.

If you can’t download it here, click on the youtube logo on the bottom right of the video to go straight to my YouTube Channel and download it there.


Tryzick’s Legendary Flash – Ultimate Skill

Tryzick’s Legendary Flash – Ultimate Skill

This mod replaces final flash and there is a current bug, nothing serious but at some points for a split second some textures on the blast disappear, i’m not sure how to fix it at this moment but when I do i’ll update it, other than that the mod works great for fights.

I do not recommend using it for pvp, unknown things could happen.

Before you ask about the transforming body mod, i’m sorry I cannot release it, Legendary Agwang owns the models and does not want them being released in this modded form.

DBO Inspired Ponytail Hair

DBO Inspired Ponytail Hair

Hey folks! bringing you another transforming hair mod this time with two SSJ versions!

This is a heavily modified version of Loris Cangini’s long trunks hairstyles so if you want Trunks hairstyles then check them out here!

Long Hair Trunks Pack by Loris Cangini –

DBO Long Female Hair

DBO Long Female Hair

Hey folks! a request by Shadongo! female long hair from the game DBO remade into Xenoverse for all you who like your saiyan women with long luscious hair, you’re worth it 😉

Big thank you to Shadongo for his support!

This hair is compatible with my SSJ White and SSB h-graphics textures, just match the texture up to the same code in this pack

This little pack contains H-Graphics and Normal Graphic versions.

Future Past Shirt and Hair Pack

Future Past Shirt and Hair Pack

Hey folks! answering a request to bring you this little pack! it contains the shirt shown above in multiple forms such as left sleeveless, right sleeveless and in h-graphics or normal graphics!

The shirt is colourable as well as the hair! both the black and white part of the hair can be changed.

The pants are just Broly’s pants colourable, when using my shirt they become what you see in the video.

The hairstyle transforms of course and be warned! read the READ ME file in the pack before you do anything else!

I do not own the design but I did my best to create it in Xenoverse! –

Ultimate Skill – Final Explosion

Ultimate Skill – Final Explosion

Hey folks! answering a request for Goketer! I have took an attempt at making my first skill with the game assets I had and this i merely a prototype that I thought worked quite well, themed after the Final Explosion or also known as, Final Atonement! this final explosion is the perfect way to have a great defense with a great offense! enjoy!

Ironically the best camera I could find at this time to go with this move was the same camera as my ssj animation! the next version might have something different with improved textures.

This move will replace Ultra Fighting Bomber and if you use the msg file it will change the name to Final Explosion.

Kayl’s Custom Transforming Hair Style

Kayl’s Custom Transforming Hair Style

Hey folks! answering a request for another hairstyle, requested by Kayl himself for a transforming version of his hairstyle which I started from scratch!

This hairstyle is compatible with the majority of my previous mods so you can easily take a texture from there and place it on this hairstyle!

Sasuke SSJ3 Hair

Sasuke SSJ3 Hair

Hey folks! a style I had no planned on releasing but other projects have captured my interest and I thought i’d share again! I will not be releasing the custom ssj version as that is with other styles but ssj3 is free to go!

Install instructions are in the read me file.



SSJ2 Goku Mega Male CaC Hair Pack

SSJ2 Goku Mega Male CaC Hair Pack

Hey folks! answering a request for Fairlight here and giving out a SSJ2 form of Goku’s hair for Male CaC, he wanted just a non transforming version but I figured you’d all want more than that so I put together this large pack!

This contains 16 versions, 8 for H-Graphics and 8 for Normal graphics!

SSJ3 does not come with eyebrows attached, find those in Loris Cangini’s hair pack.

Cloud Transforming CaC Hair Pack

Cloud Transforming CaC Hair Pack

Hey folks! just a little experiment I was doing and thought i’d share with you all, it took some time but its in playable condition so enjoy!

In this pack there is four versions of this hairstyle, two H-Graphic versions of SSJ, SSB and two Normal versions of SSB and SSJ

DBO Hair V4 to SSJ3 with eyebrows

DBO Hair V4 to SSJ3 with eyebrows

Hey folks! making some progress with modding skills and I was able to adjust he model of SSJ3 eyebrows and attach them to the SSJ3 Hairstyle so no longer will forehead file be needed and you will get a much more effective look!

The emb’s on the base hairstyle have not been completed yet but when they are I will released an updated version!

For the new NON H-GRAPHICS VERSION Texture –

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