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Amphibious vehicles

This mod gives the following vehicles the ability to be fully amphibious (behind them are the names you use with aaron's spawner):

  • Rigged Coyle Mambo - v017_car_vintagemuscle_bomb_special
  • Coyle Mambo - v017_car_vintagemuscle_civilian
  • Debug Coyle Mambo (?) - v017_car_vintagemuscle_civilian_02 (only obtainable with the spawner)


  • Rigged Chupacabra Monstertruck - v018_car_monstertruck_bomb_special
  • Chupacabra Monstertruck - v018_car_monstertruck_civilian_01


  • Rigged Kerner Serpente - v021_car_sportsmuscle_bomb_special
  • Kerner Serpente - v021_car_sportsmuscle_civilian_01


  • Rigged Mugello Farina Trio - v022_car_moderncircuitracer_bomb_special (only obtainable with the spawner)
  • Mugello Farina Trio - v022_car_moderncircuitracer_civilian_01


  • Rigged 2019 Vistosa supercar - v023_car_racingsuper_bomb_special
  • 2019 Vistosa supercar - v023_car_racingsuper_civilian_01
  • 2019 Vistosa supercar racing - v023_car_racingsuper_racing_01 (only obtainable with the spawner)


  • Rigged Verdeleon eco - v024_car_ecosuper_bomb_special
  • Verdeleon eco - v024_car_ecosuper_civilian_01
  • Verdeleon eco racing - v024_car_ecosuper_racing_01 (only obtainable with the spawner)


  • Rigged Mugello Quipozza - v025_car_vintagesuper_bomb_special
  • Mugello Quipozza - v025_car_vintagesuper_civilian_01


  • Rigged Mugello raffinati vitesse - v026_car_vintagesports_bomb_special
  • Mugello raffinati vitesse - v026_car_vintagesports_civilian_01


  • Stria Cucciola - v030_car_oldmini_civilian_01


The controls are a bit weird, on higher speeds, the vehicles do not steer very well, but if you slow down, they do

To spawn some of the vehicles (specified above), you will need aaron's entity spawner, available here:  in case it doesn't work anymore, keep in mind that game updates break this utility, so check the site for updates after game updates and keep it up to date


I'm open for requests! If you want any vehicle added, let me know in the comments and it will be added in a future update!


These vehicles are based on Protato's nitrous everywhere mod, and do therefor already have nitrous and turbojump, available here: and was created with UnknownMiscreant's ashen mod tools available here:

You are allowed to use this mod as a base for your vehicle mods, as long as you give credit to me and the persons i mentioned above


If you plan on making a video review on this mod, please be sure to give proper credit, that is linking this page, or atleast the mod website so that viewers do actually know where to download this mod from and so we get feedback on our work

=> Want to play Just Cause 3? Online? With mods from me and others? Then feel free to check out my Freeroam Unlimited JC3MP server and it's Discord, where you will get updates regarding Just Cause, get early infos about my mods and server updates!

To install mods, you got two options that you can choose from. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, so here you go:





After choosing the method of preference, simply unpack the zip and put the editor and models folder into your dropzone folder


  • initial release
Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
16.48 MB
Credit given to modders
April 25, 2019


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Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
16.48 MB
Credit given to modders
April 25, 2019

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