5 Galick Guns in One!
Neutral = Galick Gun
Up = Super Galick Gun
Right = Full Force Galick Cannon
Left = Final Galick Rush
Down = Earth-Splitting Galick Gun
Wooooooooo!! 4 months in the making! This skill has gone through a few changes since I started, it's been scrapped and restarted, skills were removed and replaced, etc etc, it was a ton of work but it's finally here!! :D
Comes with a skill-specific English VOX for all CACs and all base game Vegetas, Gogetas and all 2 Vegitos. I would do Japanese VOX files but VOX making is a pain in the ass until the crashing with ACE gets fixed.
Why an installer? Galick Gun's EEPK does not like to be edited in any way, shape or form so every other skill's effects had to be put in a different EEPK. Unfortunately the only one I know that works is BTL_CMN, the others would not show up.
If the installer has an error it's likely because you have too many effects in your CMN.EEPK. To fix this:
1. Download the EEPK Organizer from this page: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/lazybone-tools/
2. Open the organizer, in the top left open "File > Load From Game > CMN" and in the window that comes up select "BTL_CMN"
3. On the top of the program hit "Tool" and in the list that pops up hit "Optimize textures"
4. It will show a pop up, it's fine hit "Ok" and allow it to optimize your textures.
5. Save it
6. Try to use the installer again.
If that doesn't fix it I unfortunately don't know how to help you, the installer has otherwise been tested to work.
- Far Knight for allowing me to use one of his amazing original skills in this mod!
Original skill - https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-force-78975204
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FarKnight/posts
VGM page - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/modder/zenildo19/
- Revamp team for their Earth Splitting Galick Gun effect!
VGM Page - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/modder/revampteamxv2/
Project page - https://www.revampxv2.com/
Extract and install the X2M and use Installer included. If installer fails read description for fix
1.0: Skill completed
these combination skills are crazy awesome, i hope Final Flash is up next!
Not next but I’ll be making a Vegeta-based one this month _ /\ _
what is KMH?
Uhhhhh that’s the 3 letter code for base game Kamehameha, why is something wrong with this mod?