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All characters and stages unlocked from the beginning


This mod will allow you to unlock all characters and stages from the beginning of the game so you don't have to complete all quests and gather the dragon balls to wish for Hit, Shenrons ...

If this doesn't work for you, complete the Supreme Kai of Time's first training mission: The Art of Battle

Now added:

Goku Black, DBS Future Trunks, Bulma, Dende, Great Ape Bardock, Great Ape Vegeta, Great Ape Nappa, Great Ape Baby, Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kaioshin and Guru

Pack into data2.cpk with cpkpack

v2.0: Goku Black, DBS Trunks and other hidden characters added

  • 5Mods
  • 0Followers

3.0 UPDATED (supports last XV2 update: 1.07)
File size
3.62 kB
Credit given to modders
August 15, 2017


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  1. Are you looking for ways to improve your life and your overall wellbeing? With so much information available online, it can be difficult to make sense of it all and know where to start. In this blog, we will explore different strategies and tips to help you take control of your life and make positive changes that can benefit you both now and in the future. Let’s get started

    1. @Berrtd Gefers

      Wow, you people have no sense of self-esteem or self-awareness, do you? Or is it possible that you delight in doing evil and harming others? It has been proven over and over again that the covid tests, along with the boosters, did and still do nothing more than lead to the death of a person, all because our government wants to control the populace. They speak about freedom, and tear down individual rights. They speak about peace, but calamity follows in their wake. They speak of unity, and yet racial division is in our streets. Worse yet, the Bible has been removed from schools and legal justice systems. The USA has turned its back on its roots and has become a den of heathens. And at the forefront of it all? The very people YOU stand to support in your ignorance.

      To top it off, the masks don’t do anything but make it more difficult for people to breath. The masks themselves do not stop covid from passing through.

      It’s time to wake up people, wake up and hear the call of God Almighty in the name of Christ Jesus. Repent of your sins and turn from your ignorance, stop being slaves to these bigots who seek to control you. Only in Christ is true freedom found, and in no other is salvation found.

      1. So I ran into the same problem that you did. Poppleman is right, you don’t need this mod anymore, as it’s built into the current mod “Eternity Tools”. But no one explains how to turn on such features.

        “If I don’t, who will?!”

        So now, I’m going to explain. (As of July 2023)

        When you downloaded the most recent version of Eternity Tools, you’ll get a bunch of files and stuff you don’t understand. Most current Tutotial videos of the time won’t mention this, but in the XV2PATCHER

        1. (Umm… I was in the middle of explaining it but the post… posted and now I can’t edit it. I’ll continue from here)

          In the XV2PATCHER folder, there will be a file named “xv2patcher”. You’ll know you’re in the right place, because there should be a folder in there alongside it named “Epatches”. You don’t need the folder, but if it’s there, that means you found the right file: the “xv2patcher” file.

          Now, OPEN that file. People seem to leave this part out for some reason, but if you want to turn on “Unlock all Characters” and “Unlock all Stages”, you’ll need to OPEN and EDIT this file. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what to edit exactly. Because if I don’t, WHO WILL?!

          Once you open up the file (preferably with Notepad), you’re going to see a bunch of text. In all of that text, you’re going to want to find a certain line of text. That line will be: “unlock_chara_all = false”. In layman’s terms: this is the code that will activate all of the characters being unlocked from the start. It’s switched off. We’re going to turn it on. Edit the line, so that it now reads “unlock_chara_all = true”.

          Long story short: by changing that one word from “false” to “true”, you’ve activated it. This feature is turned off by default. We turned it on.

          Now we’re going to do the same for the stages. Find the line “unlock_stage_all = false”. Once you do, change it to “unlock_stage_all = true”. Now you’ll have all the stages unlocked.

          And that’s it. In order to do what this old mod did, all you have to do now (as of July 2023) is open up the “xv2patcher” file in the “XV2PATCHER” folder (which comes with the Eternity tools Mod). Once you open up the files, you activate the code by changing the appropriate lines of text mentioned above from “false” to “true”. That’s the best I can do with a TL;DR of this post.

          As I am new to modding XV2, I want to help others as I go along. So I hope this helps someone who comes behind me. Good luck.

          1. will this unlock DLC characters and/or stages too? because I know how to do this but I need to know if this will unlock DLC too or would I have to buy the DLC in order to get the stages and characters

          2. It’s both incredibly kind, thoughtful and simple to make.
            Thanks to you and to those who configured this ini file!
            Is it possible to unlock the side quests as well, or at least the skills?
            Because in this respect, in the ini file I can only find that which is more or less closely related:
            # Enables characters to use awaken skills. Use the AIextend section to configure parameters
            ai_extend = false
            Which is not what I was talking about.
            Also, how easy is it to configure AI characters to use their awaken skills?

  2. como se instala este mod ,la raĂ­z del juego ya tiene una carpeta data y la descarga del mod son 2 carpetas data y data 2 y veo que el interior de estas carpetas son son iguales. donde lo pongo todo para que funcione. Gracias

  3. I copied the data and data2 folders in the root, some characters like Nova Shenron and Omega Shenron were unlocked, but I don’t have Bulma, Dende, Elder Kai or anyone from the “Now added” section of your description.

  • 5Mods
  • 0Followers

3.0 UPDATED (supports last XV2 update: 1.07)
File size
3.62 kB
Credit given to modders
August 15, 2017

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