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Bio Android Race

Happy New years!! The Bio Android Race is now updated and compatible with 1.21 of the game sorry for the late update!!

The wait is over! Public beta version of the Bio Android Race is Here!

The Bio Android race has been in the works for about 6 years. Originally started by Onifox then gave it to Calikingz01 and LeonExodio to finish it. This mod replaces everything on the Namekians.

Thanks once more for you guys waiting all this time. if you have any questions or problems go to our discord

If revamp and/or expanded is installed then install this after

Look at the read me on how to install.

0.6.2 - Small Update 1/30/24

-Fixed Skills not showing up in shop

0.6.1 - Small Update 1/19/24

-Fixed more story mode crashes

0.6 - Small Update 1/17/24

-Fixed Story Mode crashes

-Fixed blase005 quest crashes

-Fixed Life Absorption Skill

0.5 - Release 1/1/24 Game Update 1.21.02 

-Fixed error with x2m outfits not installing

-Fixed drop-dead gorgeous wish

-Fixed lots of other small bugs

-Fixed Turn Giant awoken skill

-Updated alot of vanilla outfits.

-Updated zetsumei bullet to work with all races

-Updated Transfer Shop Cleark to teleport you to cells arena

-Added new awoken skills

-Added Time Pedestal by cell no more green ball

-Added beast and ui awoken compatibility

-Added mini icon on map for Cell's arena

-Added tail customization (nose slot in cac creation)

-Added faster flying for lobbys options in Installer

0.1 - Release 5/5/23

  • 2Mods
  • 15Followers

Credit given to modders
January 30, 2024


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    1. I might have an answer to this. Are you using Revamp by chance?

      cause after beating the story it seems alot more pop up messages are trying to come through and it seems revamp as well as some other certain mods that add or edit popups seem to break this. and last i checked they are working on a fix for this

    1. That’s nothing to do with this mod in particular, just modded Xeno2 in general. Just move the xinput file out of your bin folder, start the game from in there (It will load normal Xeno 2, this is fine) Load up your character, let all the notifications play out, then put the file back.
      (You may run into issues, given this is a modded race, but that’s how you fix the cross versus guy)
      Then, after all the notifications are done, put the xinput file back in the bin folder and run the game again.

  1. When I try to talk to scrappy to get the transformations he just says “error error try again in the next update” is he supposed to say that or did i install wrong? Please help cause id really like to figure this out

    1. You shouldn’t have to Uninstall everything it’s better if you did tho. We did fix the outfits not installing and other mods. Uninstalling the mod shouldn’t break the game. Remember this mod is only made by 2 people and it replaces alot of major files. We trying to fix as much as we can.

  2. guys just a heads up, DO NOT wish with the dragon balls for drop-dead gorgeous!! idk about other wishes but wishing to be drop-dead gorgeous crashes the game so make sure you like how you look right out the gate because there’s no tinkering. I do know that wishing for zeni works fine so maybe its just wishes that have to do with editing your appearance? either way, all things considered this is pretty decent for it being open beta testing and all.

  3. you need to fix this shit man. I uninstalled the mod because all of my charavter models disappeared and when i was trying to put an accessory on my bio android character, the model disappeared and was softlocked. when i uninstalled it, all namekian NPC’s were gone. please fix this immediately. 6 years for a buggy, messed up mod. completely wasted.

      1. you guys can be very dumb..its in beta,i repeat,beta,as in public TESTing…so they are aware of everything,but need time,they are not robots they do have lives,spouse or kids,and family just like you and stop harassing them so cruely,its not their fault you install and break stuff,by the way, same way you install bio race,you uninstall….annnd you are supposed to wipe the modes to fix it after..dont blame someon else for your bad luck…be nicer to your mod creators,its a lot of painful work

  • 2Mods
  • 15Followers

Credit given to modders
January 30, 2024

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