Blue Health SS Cac

Blue Health SS For Your CaC! You Will Need This: Tut:
Blue Health SS For Your CaC! You Will Need This: Tut:
i downloaded the ss and installed it but cant find it
how to use custom ss online? im getting eac error
don’t because you’re a loser for trying
No im not cause im gonna use with mods not online
you can’t use mods online and the patcher isn’t updated for 1.20.00 so don’t bother trying. You need the patcher to use the super soul editor and the patcher disables easy anti cheat so you won’t be able to connect to online servers
Why would you want to use it online anyway? it would just be unfair
Lmaoo bro tried to use it online. My brother, you cant use mods online lmao. The xinput1_3.dll file in your DBXV2 bin folder disables easy anti cheat and it is the main file that lets you mod your game my guy… and eac is needed to play online lol you’re dumb for not knowing that and as heliosazuria said you’re a loser for even asking this
I hope you know that eac is LITERALLY for getting you not to do things like this in online. Oh, and get gud.