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Budokai 3 100 X Big Bang Kamehameha

"I'll send you to the next world with this!"

Hello again everyone, I'm back again with a mod that I made completely out of spite! This is the version of 100 X Big Bang Kamehameha from Budokai 3! Big thanks to GamingZVault for making the sound effects to this mod! It wouldn't sound as good as it does without him! Other thanks to everyone who has helped me out over the past few weeks with this!

Install the X2M, then the installer!

IF UPDATING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION Uninstall the installer and then the skill, then reinstall the skill, then installer

V1 - Release

V1.1- Should now have movement even when locked off and fixed a stuttering problem in the dash

V1.2 - Added in a different installer

Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
8.60 MB
September 29, 2021


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  1. The moment i instaled this mod my game glitched and instead of having my 100% save file the story reset to the begening so the only solution is to reinstall every mods one by one except for this one and of course deleting this mod won’t fixe the issue

    1. Likely a confliction somewhere in your files. If reinstalling all your mods doesn’t fix it, run your backup or if you don’t have one, you’ll probably have to reinstall XV2 overall. Your save should be safe if you’re connected off

Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
8.60 MB
September 29, 2021

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