Calli “Female Broly” (With Suppressed LSSJ Transformation)

First of all, HUGE shoutout to Hisana Fukuhara, She's involved with a lot of coding within this mod, go check out her stuff.
So I dunno what to say for this but, here it is. "Female Broly" but for now she only has Supressed LSSJ.
The Thicc transformation will come in a few days at best.
Thanks and hope you enjoy.
Usual X2m Method
1.5:Fixed Crashing
1.6: Fixed Shoe Colour
1.7: Added SSJ because if she can go LSSJ she should be able to go SSJ, just like Broly.
2.0: Got rid of SSJ and added Suppressed LSSJ
2.5: Fixed a few bugs, recoloured and made base form slightly skinnier with a slight change to her hair.
2.6:Fixed all Damage issues.