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The Cast-Character Overhaul Project!


This Add-on aims to buff the cast characters and make them much more fun, unique, diverse and competitive in tough content, and in PvP, compared to just always picking the same few characters. This is done by giving various characters their own exclusive Super Souls. And if applicable; revamping their skillset! Or in a rarer instance; giving them their own custom Charge skill as well! Something else to make Cast Characters better as well is now the Debuff present on all Cast Characters in various content has been completely removed in all content as well. So, hopefully with this Add-on, everyone can have fun playing as Cast Characters! There's also a bunch of optional Q.O.L choices you can install if you so please, just make sure if you do plan on playing with friends, you all pick the same options.

Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive.

Here's some notable extra changes from Vanilla to improve the Cast Characters even more!:

  • The Stats Debuff present on Cast Characters in all content has been removed!
  • Some Characters such as SS4 Goku & Vegeta have new custom Charge-Ups.
  • Character Exclusive Super Souls have been introduced to the game, and are a lot stronger than normal Super Souls. Check them out ingame! *More will be added in each update.
  • *And More!


Characters who currently have Character-Exclusive Super Souls:

*All Characters have an alternate optional PvP variant of their Super Soul balanced for PvP. Abilities may differ.

  • All Characters from the Saiyan Saga
  • All Characters from the Cell Saga
  • All Characters from the Majin Buu Saga
  • All Characters from the Baby Saga
  • All Characters from the Super 17 Saga
  • All Characters from the Battle of Gods Movie
  • All Characters from the Resurrection "F" Movie
  • All Characters from the U6 vs U7 arc. [Barring SSBKK]
  • All Characters from the first half of DBS: Future Trunks Arc
  • All Characters from the ToP Arc
  • All Characters from the Tree of Might Movie
  • All Characters from the Metal Cooler Movie
  • All Characters from the First Broly Movie
  • All Characters from the Wrath of the Dragon Movie
  • All Characters from the Fusion Reborn Movie
  • Half of the Xenoverse original characters [Trunks (Xeno), etc]
  • *The rest of the sagas will be added through updates! Feel free to leave suggestions on who you'd like to see as well!
  • Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive. A picture infographic including all completed characters are in the archive and on this add-on page.

Feel free to leave any feedback/suggestions you have for the add-on! Or characters you would like to see get Super Souls!

[Unlike my Parallel Quests', this Add-on IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE with updates. So keep an eye out!]

[This Add-on IS compatible with Revamp]

[This Add-on is compatible with Proud Mode]

[Add-on does NOT work online. But does with friends provided you both have this installed.]

[This add-on was originally on a new different add-on page entirely, but to reduce multiple avenues of confusion, I decided to move it back to its original in this update. I apologize if this has caused any confusion. Thanks for your understanding.]

[If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!]

[Works with X2M's.]

[Please report issues.]

[Special thanks to Pentium, Cristal and JSM]

Aura Mod in some Screenshots from "Deez Mod Aura Collection".

Add-on created by "Warden"

Current Add-on Version: 1.1

Run the provided installer. [Is compatible WITH REVAMP] *If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!

Version 1.1 [8/30/24]

*Patches subject for reversion or change in the future.

  • -A message has been added to the Custom HUD install option, displaying the issue is now fixed. Thanks again to everyone who pointed out the HUD was broken.
  • -Dyspo has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!
  • -GoD Toppo has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul!
  • -1 new title screen was added.
  • -SSBE Vegeta has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul!
  • -Cleaned up some internal data.
  • -The text for the various custom CaC Super Souls found in the shop have been updated to be easier to digest.
  • -The price for the various custom CaC Super Souls found in the shop have been updated from 10,000,000 Zeni to 1,000,000 Zeni.
  • -MUI Goku has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul!
  • -The Super Soul Hotswapper was updated.


Bug Fixes:

  • -Dodoria and Zarbon’s Character-Exclusive Super Souls were accidentally available in the last version, they have been removed as they should not be released yet.
  • -Hit was apparently getting an extra 90% Stamina Recovery in his stats. This has been corrected.
  • -Piccolo’s 4th Variation’s Super Soul now displays upon activation at battle start.
  • -The “Super Saiyan 4 Goku” option when selecting title screens has been updated to not show glitchy textures on the title screen in-game. (Please note if this happens with any other selection, this does not affect gameplay.)
  • -Majin Vegeta’s 2nd Variation’s Super Soul had 5 charges for Final Explosion instead of 3. This has been corrected.
  • -The UI Graphical Glitch issue with the Custom HUD has been fixed. Thanks to everyone who pointed out the HUD was broken.
  • -The text for the various custom CaC Super Souls found in the shop no longer goes off the screen.
  • -UI Sign Goku’s PvP Soul text description was updated, there was text saying his Limit Burst was different than his PvP one. This was not true and has been fixed.


Known Bugs:

  • -DBZ Broly Super Soul Effect 7’s Debuffs are not working, barring the Skill lock.
  • -GS1 & 2 PvP Soul’s Effect 8 Sub Effect 1 is activating even after the Effect should wear off.
  • -Namek Goku 2nd Super Soul effect is apparently healing allies as well.
  • -Due to various issues, any character with a new name has had their name temporarily put back to its vanilla counterpart.
  • -Towa’s Super Soul is not functioning properly in regards to stats, this is being looked at.
  • -Vados and Bye Guys Goku’s Super Souls are not working properly. A temporary name changed is labeled on their Super Souls ingame.
  • 10Mods
  • 13Followers

File size
81.99 MB
Credit given to modders
Warden [Dev], | Special Thanks: Pentium & Kristal [For DBL Assets Drive], lazybone [Installer] and JSM [Some Art]
August 30, 2024


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  1. your mod is not fully compatible with revamp.. you’ve messed up alot of character names and costume descriptions.. you should have use the parameter “{AutoID}” so that it would not conflict or overwrite previous costume ID. im doing a fix right now.. ill post it here. along with unlocked hidden characters from the base game and from revamp

  2. This mod is fantastic.
    Although everything for me works fine, except for the title screen artwork, I still have the OG black screen(Not the end of the world as this is a tiny thing, that I’ll only see for a moment).

  3. The only mods i have installed are the current version of Revamp and the Gameplay Enhancer. Booting to the title screen causes an error prompt to show up claiming some of the game data may be corrupted, then the game closes itself. Tests were made after only Revamp being installed and it still ran fine so i’m guessing this is all on Gameplay Enhancer. Any tips on fixing it? Since it specifically mentions being compatible with Revamp then perhaps I should try installing them in a different order?

    1. I would recommend installing this add-on second/last. When it comes to add-ons using LB’s Installer, it can get kind of funky when going to show in-game, as installing an X2M can throw it out of wack, especially ones that modify the “system” folder, which Revamp and this project both do.

      Since Revamp uses X2M’s, do a mod wipe, then install Revamp first, then this, and see what happens. If that doesn’t work, trying installing this without any of the optional add-ons included in the Installer and see if that works. [This shouldn’t have any affect, but it’s still an option if troubleshooting needs to persist.] Though, most importantly, also keep an eye on your anti-virus deleting files, as those programs are known to delete XV2 add-on files.

      1. weirdly enough, revamp first and then this was the order that was breaking everything, figured that out shortly after my comment. going with overhaul and then revamp got everything working in a cinch which is nice.

        now for an additional question if you don’t mind. this mod has pvp super souls, but… isn’t pvp disabled when you use mods thanks to EAC being a thing? is there some sort of bypass i haven`t been let onto that allows you to play online with mods or did you make them specifically for local play?

  4. Ok so me and a friend who recently got into xenoverse modding, decided we would be better off without this mod but now, even after the uninstallation we have characters that say their names are unknown and it wont let us add anymore characters as it says unknown character and crashes the game, i even had an issue where “elder kai” was still existent after the uninstal help would be much appreciated as we dont want to have to redownload everything

    1. This is a common issue with LB Installer add-ons. My best suggestion is to make sure the .exe and the .installinfo are both allowed through your firewall. If that doesn’t work, try renaming the folder in which the file is contained. That seemed to work for a few others.

  5. You might need to change the name of the mod. The folder name is so long that apparently it was preventing my computer from running the installer(????????). I was able to fix it by renaming the folder, if anyone has the same problem. I’m excited to try out this mod though, it sounds like it’ll be really fun 😀

  6. For whatever reason, when I recently started using the gameplay enhancer, the .exe didn’t want to open up and I couldn’t figure out why initially. It wasn’t blocked by my antivirus and no parts had gone to the recycle bin. Smallest thing I did was changed the folder name to “Version # Something Gameplay Enhancer”. Then it wants to work. It’s the weirdest thing.

    I’m enjoying the mod though.

  7. (I speak another language so I will use a translator if something is wrong) I would like you to be able to choose the art of the menu screen, for example that in the installer you can choose between the art of Goku Supersaiyan, Majin Vegeta, Goku Supersaiyan 4, etc. that you can choose the arts of gogeta and vegito from the loading screens.

    1. oh man,i agree,its not a quest at that point,its just marbling drop and op move spam,that needs to be altered,its idiotic..difficulty increases doesnt mean invulnerable and spamming, i hate those quests with obsurd limits and abilities that is basically just a death sentence…

      1. The problem with this half the reason people play this game is to use their CaC. If you have to use other characters to complete content, that’s not a good thing, all content should be doable within reason by the CaC even with a difficulty overhaul. If anything, at the very least, make the expert missions an optional add on. Many people are using this mod because Proud Mode was never updated, you need to keep this in mind.

  • 10Mods
  • 13Followers

File size
81.99 MB
Credit given to modders
Warden [Dev], | Special Thanks: Pentium & Kristal [For DBL Assets Drive], lazybone [Installer] and JSM [Some Art]
August 30, 2024

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