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Caulifla Hairstyle For HUF, SYF And MAF (Reupload)

Caulifla Hairstyle For HUF, SYF And MAF


I have resubited the mod again giving the corresponding credits and full authority of it to "Nephilim" he made the "Hairstyle of Caulifla" very well done and I made the adaptation for female cacs for both "HUF, SYF" and "MAF" and not It is not a simple resize what I did, since I had to fix the vertices that are attached to the head so that it looked good and other things I also did as adding a version "SS3 And SS4", without further delay I leave you with the mod enjoy it

Note: this will be my error but I have to overcome myself to not commit it again as long as the memory does not fail me and leave me

Note 2: This also takes it more or less as a request for "Omega Legend 57" at my own risk and to try things, which I saw >.>

Note 3: Please do not bother anyone because of this and the mod renewed so that it does not get lost, depending on how they take it depends on each one and everyone has their opinion and respect

-Replaces the Hairstyle 05 = 06 ----> In the Character Creator (HUF/SYF)

-Replaces the Hairstyle 28 = 29 ----> In the Character Creator (MAF)



He resubido el mod denuevo dando los creditos correspondientes y autoridad completa del mismo a "Nephilim" el hizo el "Hairstyle de Caulifla" muy bien hecho e yo hice la adaptaciòn para female cacs tanto para "HUF, SYF" como "MAF" y no no es un simple resize lo que hice, ya que tuve que arreglar los vertices que se unen a la cabeza para que se viera bien y otras cosas tambien hice como añadir una versiòn "SS3 And SS4", sin màs dilaciòn los dejo con el mod que lo disfruten

Nota: este sera mi error pero tengo que superarme para no cometerlo denuevo mientras la memoria no me falle y me abandone

Nota 2: Esto tambien lo tome màs o menos como una peticiòn para "Omega Legend 57" bajo mi propio riesgo y para probar cosas, la cuales vi >.>

Note 3: Por Favor no molesten a nadie por esto e resubido el mod denuevo para que no se pierda, dependiendo de como lo tomen dependera de cada uno y cada uno tiene su opiniòn e se respeta

-Remplaza el Estilo de Cabello 05 = 06 ----> En el Creador de Personajes (HUF/SYF)

-Remplaza el Estilo de Cabello 28 = 29 ----> En el Creador de Personajes (MAF)


Compatible Requirements

From 238 to 298 are Hairstyle needing the Lazybones mod New Transformations will leave a Link:

238 = SRage Caulifla Hairstyle (SS2 Hairstyle)

248 = DP Caulifla Hairstyle (Base Hairstyle)

249 = SSG Caulifla Hairstyle (Base Hairstyle)

250 = SSGSS Or SSB Caulifla Hairstyle (SS2 Hairstyle)

251 = SSB Kaioken Caulifla Hairstyle (SS2 Hairstyle)

252 = SSB Kaioken X10 Caulifla Hairstyle (SS2 Hairstyle)

253 = SSR Caulifla Hairstyle (SS2 Hairstyle)

256 = SS4 Caulifla Hairstyle (Unique Hairstyle)

264 = SV4 Caulifla Hairstyle (Unique Hairstyle)

270 = Ultra Instinct Caulifla Hairstyle (Base Hairstyle)

297 = SS1 Caulifla Hairstyle

298 = SS2 Caulifla Hairstyle


 Note: The version of "SS4" does not have physics for the hair to work well they have to have the normal

version of the mod of "lazybone" that is to say the one that does not have physics



Nephilim For Caulifla Hairstyle

Eternity For their modding tools

Olganix for EmdFbx And FbxEmd

Olganix , Dario And Mugen for XenoXmlConverter

Olganix & Dario For Xenoviewer

Manual Versión


Replace the files in the data folder, make a backup if you wish

More Instructions within .7z


Remplaza los archivos de la carpeta data, haz un backup si lo deseas

Más Intrucciones dentro del .7z


-Content Manual Versión

-Replaces the Hairstyle 05 = 06 ----> In the Character Creator (HUF/SYF)

-Replaces the Hairstyle 28 = 29 ----> In the Character Creator (MAF)

  • 38Mods
  • 27Followers

Credit given to modders
Nephilim, LGL
April 9, 2018


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  1. so I’m really new to this but I love the mod is there any way you can help me figure out how to set up the hair changes that this mod gives to other forms. like I want to replace the hair ids but I don’t know which is which in the mod folder. I want the base hair and PU and SSG and UI sign/omen to be the base hair style, and SSJ and SSB And to be the SSJ hair style, and then the SS2 and SSBE and to be the SS2 hair style, SS3 and Beast to use the SS3 hair style and then finally SS4 and Wrath/Ikari and UE and MUI all use the SS4 hair style from this mod. I have the hair ids for the forms but as said above I don’t know what hair style is what in your mod save for maybe the base hair. any help would be greatly apricated and thanks so much for the hard work you did in making this mod.

    1. The hair and IDs are identified in the readme file when you download the folder. I would just copy the hair files (and JUST the hair files) for the ID of the hair you want to use to another folder, rename the numbers to the ID of what you want based on the ID numbers for lazybones’ list, and then move those copies into the HUF folder. Bear in mind that I haven’t tested SSJ3 hair in any transformation outside of SSJ3 itself so I don’t know if that will work in any other transformation, but you can still try it, it will just have more files to copy and rename because of the physics involved.

  2. How are we supposed to drop HUM files into a SYF folder? Are the SYF files missing? I tried renaming each HUM file but it didn’t work. I hope for an answer because the mod is in itself really cool.

  • 38Mods
  • 27Followers

Credit given to modders
Nephilim, LGL
April 9, 2018

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