Combo Pack PQ’s! Roar of Apex Power | Sublime Divinity!

Hello all!! As you can see in the title this a dual quest release counter part to each other! i am very very excited to release these! they are very tough in their own right so make sure to squad up or use your best loadout!
I have included information on each PQ in the download named "Mission details" i highly recommend giving it a read, it tells you VERY important information on each quest and known bugs.
But to give you some basic information:
-As usual if you play my quest you get the 50k hp buff.
-But this time around i have included some new features which include HP regen!
-For more details check out the document provided in the download!
If you want a walkthrough on each quest check out my video that i will link with this, also at the end of my video is the very first trailer art for my upcoming PQ! be sure to check it out!!
Also at the end of the video i showcase all artwork that will release with this quest be sure to check it out if interested!
-Also my quests do NOT require any DLC to play! so my quest may appear at the top of your DLC quests incase you cant find it!
If you have any other questions/comments/feedback/etc please let me know in the comments! i will try to reply to all!
I think Roar of Apex Power is defective. When I beat Gogeta, it’s just stuck. Nothing else happens. I think someone else was supposed to enter, but no one did, causing the game to break. Plz fix. Also I agree with the guy below me. Plz remove the Innocence Bullet thing. It’s very restrictive.
can you change the quests so that they don’t add innocence bullet? It’s quite annoying one of my skills getting replaced with that
If you’re seeing this in 2023, this isnt doable unless you like using op super souls such as true ui or something that makes you take no damage. It’s the fact that the enemies get hyper armor during their ultimates, the ults they use only cost 3 bars, and they get like 4 bars back for existing. Basically, the enemies spam ultimates while you just sit there and do nothing. If it wasnt for the hyper armor, then this would be fun. Giving an NPC infinite ki, then making the ultimate only cost 3 bars was a silly idea. Not fun, would not recommend.
You may also say im just malding because I dont like to water down my game and make it easy mode, but I can see when something is just stupid vs actually possible. If you dont believe me, then you can give it a try yourself. Have fun fighting enemies who spam ultimates and cant get punished for it.
Hey, Just happen to see this and would just like to say I see where you’re coming from but at the same time these where meant to be difficult. I purposely design my quests to be lengthy and difficult, that being said since the release of these quests I have seen the error in my ways with the constant super armor however I will not be going back changing these quests as I have proven they are indeed doable with ALL vanilla skills in my video tagged along with the quest. Note for any future quests I will be cutting back on the use of super armor or adding a version of the quest with little to no super armor. I do hope you give my future one’s another go! Negative or positive I appreciate all feedback its people like you that help me grow as a quest creator!
Ok but there’s a difference between very hard difficulty and bs. you actually made some fun pqs with the Radiant Omnipotence quests (lite) because they actually took damage and followed the games rules. It isn’t fun at all fighting against 2 enemies on 1 who both have the highest amount of health possibe in the game to the point it takes an absurd amount of time to complete one quest, nor is it fun having characters spam ultimates every 5 seconds. This is artificial difficulty, which just shows you didn’t actually think of how to make the quest hard or challenging and just cranked the settings up to the max. Basically forcing most players to cheat by using overpowered super souls, transformations, and skills , etc. is bad design. Now i’m not just gonna hop on here and criticize you without giving some ways you can improve this quest. xenoverse 2 when your fighting 2 on 1 is hell and no one would argue otherwise. So i’d suggest that goku and vegeta never have health as high as in this parallel quest. maybe just above an amount of health that gets their hp to purple (same with gogeta). take away hyper armor completely. nobody likes it and its a cheap mechanic when you expect to punisher your enemy and actually get killed for it. if you REALLY want to have the quest last a long time you could have gt goku go through all his forms and once he’s knocked out in all of them, vegeta could join in maybe super saiyan 2, 3, and 4 finally. when he’s defeated you can fight both at the same time. obviously falling under the suggestion of having their max health being no higher than slightly above a purple health bar. now i get that gogeta is suppposed to be a challenge much like the rest of the quest. following previous suggestions just take away the hyper armor and you can actually keep his health decently higher than a purple health bar. now not to the point where i’m hitting him for 7 minutes straight and make virtually no progress mind you, but still higher than goku and vegeta. the advice i have given you can also be applied to the sublime divinity parallel quest. if you read this i hope you consider altering or remastering this quest and i appreciate you reading all this. Have a good evening, morning, afternoon, honestly whenever you happen to be reading this overly long comment
thank i almost tortured myself
A Tough PQ but it was fun nevertheless
even if the pq has a bug that doesn’t let it finish i feel good because ssj4 gogeta was hard asf
when i defeat gogeta my quest dosent finish, how i solve this?
Unfortunately, in Roar of Apex Power there is a bug that causes the mission to crash at the very end right before the rewards screen i am aware of the bug however i dont know how to fix it yet. But because it doesn’t affect you actually being able to play the quest all the way through i decided to release it as is. But rest assured i am working to fix it and when i do ill release an update!
Ok, thanks
When I try to install Roar of apex power it doesn’t let me. it says “This x2m requires a newer version of installer/creator.” but when I do Sublime Divinity it installs it with no issue. just want to know if this is a problem on my in or not and how to fix it.
You need to uninstall and reinstall eternities tools, sometimes this happens with certain assets i use in my quest’s. Hope this helps! if you need further assistance let me know!
For whatever reason the quests aren’t showing in game but I can see them in the save editor. Does anyone have the same problem or know why it’s happening?
The Unlock Requirement for this quest is “Wake Up!”, which is a 7-Star Parallel Quest. Complete that for the first time and then check under “New PQs”, and you should find it.
Too add on to what Warden said, you could also use the save editor to unlock all PQ’s if you so wish, but if you already have all the PQ’s unlocked make sure you go to “New PQs” and check the top. Due to my quests not having DLC requirements they show up at the top instead of the bottom. Hope that helps!