Conton City People Pack
Conton City People Pack
The Conton City pack contains 17 characters displayed in conton city. The characters themselves has the same looks and the exact same skills as the 17 people in conton city. If there is any problems with this Tell me back in the comments, but until then enjoy the mods.
Paquete de personas de Conton City
El paquete de Conton City contiene 17 caracteres que se muestran en la ciudad de Conton. Los personajes en sí tienen el mismo aspecto y las mismas habilidades que las 17 personas en Conton City. Si hay algún problema con esto Cuéntame de nuevo en los comentarios, pero hasta entonces disfruta de los mods.
Conton Cityパックにはconton cityに表示される17文字が含まれています。キャラクター自体はコンスタン・シティの17人と同じ外見と全く同じ技能を持っています。これに問題がある場合は、コメントに戻って教えてください.
X2m Method Thanks to Eternity
Método X2m gracias a la eternidad
Version 1: Became Public
Versión 1: se hizo pública バージョン1:パブリックになった
Did you obtain their skills by cross-checking the setups they get when you face them in PQs and the like? If so, THANK YOU, I’d actually love an entire pack of the Conton City CaCs exactly as they are fought in PQs, Conton Tournament, and Time Patroller Raid, but nobody does it because I’m the only one who cares.
From what I recalled back then, I would check their skills via scouter, and did a lot of trial and error with their stats. But then again, this is old, so there might be some errors.
i love this perfect for when i want a random match